(I’m a 23 F) is it normal to have no interest in sex? I’ve been hearing and seeing people talk about “celibacy.” But Im genuinely trying to understand why the need for sex or why it’s difficult for people to stay celibate ? I’m going on a little bit more than 2 years without it and that’s only because I was previously in a relationship. The sex was fine but even before and after the relationship I never had a need for sex. I usually feel icky when I think about it with a stranger. Truly when people talk about sex and all that stuff I feel like I’m missing out on something. Like why is it that everyone else can have fun with people in that way but I can’t? Am I lacking some kind of feeling, emotion or nerve lol? Is this normal?

(I didn’t know which flair was correct for this post, I picked the best one)

  1. Sometimes its not the lack of interest in sex, its the lack of finding someone you are interested in have sex with

  2. Can be just your sexuality. Maybe you are asexual, so not into sex at all, or demisexual (meaning you need an emotional connection to feel sexually attracted to somebody), or pansexual (you feel attracted to character, not appearance).

    And it can also be that you are having a high responsive desire and a low to zero spontaneous desire. Meaning that you only feel the want/need for sex if somebody gives you sexual stimuli and you react to them rather than feeling horny about of the blue and coming out of yourself.

    And lastly it can be due to your sexual accelerator and deccelerator (for easier terms think of a car and having a gas pedal and a brake). You may have a light gas accelerator (meaning you get horny/sexually very slowly) and sensitive brakes (which means a lot of stimuli easily put an end to your arousal). For more details i recommend you the book “come as you are”.

    All of it is normal, so nothing to worry about. Sex is a big topic in today’s hookup culture and the younger generation but it’s not for everybody. If you don’t feel like it, then don’t go after it. Listen to your body and do what feels right for you

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