Im just like why tho? Do they want us to be like the medieval era where everyone and their momma had STIs?

  1. I think that as long as you’re not physically endangering someone else or harming someone else, the government in all forms needs to fuck right out of your life.

  2. That I don’t know any – just a single candidate for Arizona Senate blathering about it. While the issue of abortion has been pretty contentious, even if most people were for it, only an incredibly small number of people are THAT bat shit crazy about wanting to ban contraceptives altogether. Some might think businesses, representing human interests of its owners, can do so but that is a different subject.

  3. It is my opinion that they are so mad that women have the right to vote, open accounts in their name, have sex with people who aren’t them, and generally have the rights and freedoms associated with western society.

    Women don’t have to get married if they don’t want to. Their career options are so much better than they were sixty years ago. They don’t have to have kids if they don’t want to. They can do whatever the hell they want.

    So restricting their access to abortions is one step in the direction of gaining control of women again. It’s no surprise that they also make it harder to access contraception, too. They’re saying “sure, fuck whoever you want that isn’t me. But you won’t have access to abortions or contraceptives if you get pregnant, you hussy.”

    In my humble opinion as a dude: Fuck these lawmakers, fuck these politicians, fuck these gender traitors who support them, and fuck any dude who supports this.

    Edit: this is one of those issues you can’t just gloss over. I’ll gladly cut anyone out of my life if they’re a supporter of this nonsense.

  4. Talk about fuck around and find out. Please please please politicians need to come to their senses. Blindly fooling party dogma isn’t the answer. Please stop voting for these people. I don’t care what party they’re with. At some point common sense has to take over

  5. They’re going full retard.

    They’re calling double dare on how ass backwards they really are, just to prove they’d do it.

  6. Might as well return to the stone ages at this point. Life isn’t survivable financially already (in a good portion of cases people live paycheck to paycheck), over population is real, and the future doesn’t look good as is. All I can say I’m glad I was born im the 90’s and will die before things are basically inhabitable.

    That’s how I feel.

  7. They shouldn’t and can’t have both ways without alot of trouble, either give access to contraceptives, or give access to abortion. Because people aren’t smart enough or responsible enough to just not have sex if they don’t want a baby,non hormonal IUDs should be absolutely free to any woman who wants it

  8. It’s pretty counterintuitive actually. Such measures will most effect the poorest people. These people will have more children who will, in turn become dependent on the state. It’s a disaster in the making.

  9. That sterilization surgeries are going to become heavily sought after.

  10. I think it’s morally abhorrent, but also just real fucking dumb. Nothing good will come of this.

  11. I think it’s really fucking stupid and has no place in a “free” society. I am a classical liberal in that I want the individual to be able to make choices without government intervention. So, I want the government out of the business of healthcare , marriage, child birthing, etc.

    What I find even more stupid is the Republican opinion that banning contraception is a benefit to anyone. Even if they are being honest about their goal of fewer abortions (are they?), then the empirical evidence shows that subsidized contraception and family planning reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions.


    TL;DR. Government should be hands-off. But if they are hands-on they should at least be doing something smart.

  12. Some people struggle to understand the difference between various forms of birth control and abortion, which is laughable, and even more so because they apparently care so much despite having no interest in how any of it works. And then others get it and want birth control banned anyway, which blows me away as I felt like easy access to birth control stopped being taboo ages ago. It would be an outrageous over-reach of certain religious ideals in government. Also, you will find that religious individuals and/or organizations often *don’t* care about the spread of STD’s if it conflicts with their priorities. The Vatican’s discouragement of condoms as a tool to slow the spread of HIV in Africa is a good example.

  13. >Whats your opinion of certain states trying to ban **all** contraception?

    I think it’s *bullshit,* both in the sense that it’s an obviously bad idea and in the more important sense that it’s literally not happening. Name me one state that’s actually put forth such legislation. I’ll wait..

  14. Seriously? I do not believe this story. Sounds too much like scare mongering.

    If it was real then that would be crazy, plus impossible to enforce.

  15. There is a stripper on Reddit who has more than 35 sexual partners. She wanted an abortion for the sake of getting abortion. She is from Texas.

    Guys were clamoring for her to stay at their house while she got an abortion in a different state.

    Is that kosher for you? Kill the child for her convenience? Where do you stop? Why aren’t people calling her out for wanting to kill the baby?

  16. This is why the shitty boomers that still run things need to die and fast

  17. It’s just a way for conservative religious nut jobs to punish people who have sex. Mostly women who have sex though. They just view women as baby incubators. It’s counteractive to. Contraceptions stop pregnancies in the first place. Meaning less abortions are needed. It shows that they don’t actually care about their position and just want to instill they’re wack-ass values.

  18. As they say on the internet: ‘lol’.

    Seriously, what will the Americans get up to next? Ban alcohol? Criminalise witchcraft?

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