Not actual teens/underage but incredibly young looking actresses with title like “tiny teen takes giant ____” and “petite teens this and that”.

The guy I’m withs browsing history is full of videos like this and they seem to far outweigh any age-appropriate women or any other themes. He’s 41. He told me he clicks on whatever is most popular and goes from there and never searches anything specific.

How likely is this to be true? Is this stuff really that rife? I never came across it or watched it in my own perusing days.

Side question – is it common to watch prn without actually touching yourself? He claims he does this a lot. I think that’s kinda odd?

Thanks all!

  1. I mean it’s like the title of every single porn video on the front page of pornhub lol. Either that or step sister. I believe him

  2. Most pornstars are young so even if you can find age appropriate porn there’s little chance it’d be any good. Porn titles are weird and a parody of themselves at times. I’m guessing he just likes their body type and clicks based on that

  3. > any age-appropriate women or any other themes

    Dude…it’s mainstream porn. What do you expect? There will be more 21-year-old women in that medium than 41-year-old women.

    > Side question – is it common to watch prn without actually touching yourself? He claims he does this a lot. I think that’s kinda odd?

    No idea, but if it has no bearing on your relationship and you both are satisfied in the bedroom, I wouldn’t sweat this. If you want to know why, ask him directly – anything else would just be speculation, and thus worthless.

  4. Am I really the odd one here in thinking that shit’s a red flag? I get that it’s technically legal but it’s intentionally appealing to people who have pedophiliac tendencies.

    The only time you “accidentally” end up on anything is when you are browsing beyond the first few pages of Google which means you’re on a mission. As a 32 year old dude,I can tell you it’s absolutely not typical. If that bothers OP, I think they should ask their partner further.

  5. As a thought experiment, would you be more comfortable if those videos had “milf” instead of “teen” in the titles? If yes, then you’ve got a reasonable position to argue with him about it. If not… well, you’re probably just anti-porn, and that’s okay, too. The porn industry is exploitative and shitty.

  6. Listen. We can go round and round and tell stories I’m going to tell you reality.

    Men are hard wired to find young thin women attractive.

    Dude likes sex and porn, you should mind your business.

    If you don’t like it, leave but don’t make it about men, or him. It’s your insecurity that you should really be analysing.

  7. Lol you’re going to decide which women and themes in legal porn are appropriate for him? His porn preferences are quite literally none of your business.

  8. As far as titles go it’s extremely common and mostly bullshit. I’ve seen the same actresses called “teen” and “milf” in videos produced the same year. On the other hand, surfing porn does have the risk of bringing up shit that is just too far out or plain weird and there are things in my history that I’d be embarrassed for my partner to find without talking to me first.

    As far as “incredibly young looking” are you watching this stuff and being creeped out by the ages? It happens even with legal stuff especially when they do creepy shit to code it as children like having women wear pigtails and schoolgirl clothes. You should communicate directly if something is bothering you, whatever that may be. He can then give you an honest answer about it and if that answer bothers you then you should rethink your relationship.

    What exactly is bringing you into his browsing history? Is there something you are looking to learn that you haven’t been able to ask him? Is there a reason he is giving (what appear to be) seemingly bullshit answers to your questions? (ie watching porn a lot without touching yourself would be way more weird for me to admit than explaining that yes I have seen goatse).

    My gut feeling is that you should be talking- not looking through browsing history. Gut feeling is also that the guy feels weird about you asking/snooping and is giving you some mealy-mouthed bullshit answers to get you off his back. Gut feeling is that you are now here asking us about it instead of talking to him- again.

    Be honest with the guy. Don’t be confrontational or judgmental but straight up tell him how you feel and what you think. Ask him questions and ask him to be honest with you. Get to the bottom of whatever it is- honesty or insecurity for one or both of you, masturbation, kinks or sexual desires not being fulfilled, jealousy, questioning his preferences or choices, whatever it is that is actually bothering you and that you actually want. Find out what it is he is feeling and wanting. Then be good partners and listen to eachother and provide for one another’s happiness.

  9. All I’m going to say is if you shame him he is going to learn to hide his porn habit and fetishes from you. If you really love him you won’t make his porn habits a big deal so he can feel like he can share anything with you. Those are the best kind of relationships and probably why my wife and I have been happily married for 16 years.

  10. I’m apparently the exception because I find this creepy as fuck. Nothing wrong with porn and fantasizing and all that, but the apparent fixation on really young women grosses me out.

  11. Teen is one of the few words you can add to almost anything to get more clicks. Not as good as step. But it’s up there.

  12. It’s pretty common, just go to xvideos and search for a non age specific keyword like anal or tits and the results will probably include ‘teen’ in a bunch of the results.

    If every video in the history is that one theme then I guess that’s what he likes.

    I think what you should do is actually click on the videos you worry about and make your own mind up.

  13. Just open Pornhub and read the title of the porn videos, most of them sound like this. I’d say it’s harder to find videos with “age-appropriate” sounding names than the other way around, unless you’re talking about Milf porn I guess.

  14. He likes what he likes in a fantasy world. If he was hitting on 18/19yr olds IRL then it’d be weird, but it’s what gets him off when he’s alone and horny.

  15. What is at issue here is your communication and your judgemental attitude , not what he likes. The fact is that most “teen” porn is legal porn of someone 18 or over. Women age out of the porn industry in their late 20s. 40 year olds doing porn is a niche fetish and fairly uncommon. “Age appropriate porn” therefore doesn’t really exist unless you make it for him. Teen and ” step” porn is what generates the most views so its what gets made. Thats it.

    Some men do just watch pornography as a form of entertainment. However it could be that excessive porn consumption is used as a form of escapism.

    You snooping through his porn history is a terrible invasion of privacy. I hope you can see that. It indicates a lack of communication and trust. Your attitude and interrogations are just going to encourage him to hide it better. If that’s the kind of relationship you want, then keep doing what you are doing.

    Edit: Read through your recent comments. You have bigger problems here than porn use. Sorry OP you probably need to dump him if this is a boundary you don’t want crossed.

  16. Professional porn is like that. It’s full of “teen” and/or creepy step shit that idk who is actually watching. Yes it probably is common to watch porn with actually jerking off. There’s nothing wrong with your guy, based on just the info you’ve given here. I personally watch home made stuff as much as possible when I’m looking for porn because the other stuff is saturated with creepy shit and is purely transactional Sex, overproduced, zero emotions of actual sex

  17. Please try not to judge him on the titles of movies…they are often completely inaccurate. Dudes just throw words into titles. You know how many “teen” videos are out there with clearly 20-30 somethings in it? Half the “MILF” videos are people who look like teens!


    There’s no way to avoid it… if you’re looking at porn then your going to get a lot of really questionable words popping up on your screen.

    The sheer amount of incest porn titles is INSANE… Honestly, you’d think dudes only jerk off to TEEN MILF STEPSISTERMOMS at first glance of any porn site. I don’t get it…I don’t like it… but it doesn’t mean he’s a pedo…or into fucking his step sister…

  18. Those titles are just normal bullshit. There is genuinely sketchy stuff out there, but it wouldn’t be as obvious as that guy’s history. Twitter has a real problem with this, where essentially predators collect social media posts by teens (actual teens), then share them in a sexualized context—like bikini and TikTok kind of stuff. On the positive side, Twitter does respond to reports on these, so at least there is some way to fight back against it.

  19. I assume porn sites use algorithms, and if he’s not clearing cookies , watching a few videos on a subject, will mean that’s what is pushed to the top of the page?

    He obviously likes some elements about the porn or wouldn’t click them, could be the age, could be the actress, the style, the body shape, the situation.
    Could just be something he goes to routinely and knows “works”.

    But there are plenty of men who watch porn for fantasy and don’t have a real-world interest.
    Doesn’t reflect on their partners or desires.

    Overall, if they are legal and look legal, then the issue isn’t the category but your feelings to it imo. A lot of guys watch porn, a lot of guys would rather thier partner didn’t know, even if it’s vanilla.

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