I’ll be hitting 40 next year and it’s very hard for me to accept the idea that half or maybe more of my life is behind me. I still feel like I’m 27.

  1. It’s really no big deal, I still feel 30ish barring some weird noises when getting up from a chair and hangovers that last a week.

    All you can do is embrace and realise that life is fleeting – get out and enjoy it.

  2. I’m turning 44 next month, and I feel like I’m 22. Just take care of your body. Get your annual checkup from the doctor. Get your eyes checked. Find a girl and pee in her butt. At this age treat yourself. Get that jacket or the boots you want. Wear your MC Hammer pants or whatever you like. Or dress awesome with nice shoes, socks,.slacks and a nice suit jacket.

  3. I’m 37 right now so pushing it I’m getting arthritis in my left hand but my cock really seems to have grown a couple inches and still have some really rock hard morning wood every other day

  4. Yep, it doesn’t feel any different physically. If anything, I guess I just started to be nicer to myself. Like, if I haven’t achieved something at this point, I most likely never will. So I don’t worry about having a nice house or such anymore. Takes a bit of the pressure off and you’re free to just enjoy the rest of the ride.

  5. Look, it can always be worse. You’re nearly forty, and I’m nearly 50. You want to trade? Nope. But some poor cunt is nearly 60- so you have to be grateful for where you are. Rather be nearly fifty than sixty.

  6. Keep feeling how you feel and act like it. Age is a number others will use against you so you stop living. Enjoy every moment of your life and live it like it is your last.

  7. I just turned 41 and still feel like I’m in my 20’s but am now mentally mature and financially stable. As I’ve aged, my life has gotten progressively better. Be positive and realize that your best years are still ahead of you.

  8. I’m only 1/10 the way through my 30s so far. A lot can change. I hope a lot does. I’ve been getting increasingly impatient at relying upon others in my on-going endeavour to make something of my life. I’m playing catch-up and everyone is behaving so lackadaisical to me now. It’s agony but I can’t let anyone know. I don’t want this to still be my life at 40.

  9. 61 here! My body decided that for my fortieth birthday present, it would give me incredibly fast growing nasal hair! I mean rocket fast. Every morning, I have to check for escapees, and I have to trim at least once a week.

  10. I’m 42, not gonna lie turning 40 was uncomfortable for me personally. Circumstantially my life hasn’t been easy for the past 2 years and it does feel more than ever like the clock is ticking. I loved my 30’s. I had some rough patches of course, but overall it was a really great decade. I think the trick is to be excited for the new chapter and not look back on things too early. Pick up on as many grounding tools as you can along the way to stay present in the moment when things get rocky and don’t feel guilty about having a good time.

  11. When I turned 42, I realized that I need to take care of my body and its not simply just going to be how I want anymore.

    I started doing 30 minutes of learning and 30 minutes of exercise every day and I feel as young as ever.

  12. I’ll be turning 40 next year. I have a friend who never gets older than 27. I wish getting old was a problem he had.

  13. Same almost 40 and I’m thinking wow double my life and I’ll be close to death if not sooner with the stress and that. But yeah I’m afraid of death.

  14. I’m getting close to 40 too and also feel like I’m in my 20s which is great except I’m fully expecting aging to hit me like a ton of bricks randomly one day and I’m not looking forward to it.

  15. I quit smoking cigarettes and drinking at 36 and started to be very active. It paid off at 40 and I am hoping it compounds for my 50s.

  16. Being 40 itself isn’t a big deal. it’s the unfortunately very genetic onset of arthritis that’s killing me. Both feet and in my right hand. The weather changes too drastically and walking six feet to the bathroom is agony.

  17. 40 wasn’t as big of a deal as 50. Once you start not sleeping through the night things take a turn. Being sleepy all day sucks.

  18. I love it because I’m still strong and healthy but if I don’t want to do something I just say, I’m too old for that and nobody questions it

  19. I think it is important to embrace aging and reaching new stages of life. Trying to hold on to your youth or mourning the aging process will only causes mental pain for you. When I used to get down about getting old, I’d think of people I went to high school with that died in their teens. I’d rather be 40+ than dead at 16. Plus with aging, everyone is doing it. Aging is all the rage!

    With that said, make sure you are taking your health seriously. Drink water, give up vice like alcohol, weed, cigarettes, and fried food etc. Make sure you are working out. What I notice is at at 35+, just not being overweight puts you ahead of most people looks wise.

  20. I’m about to turn 39 and honestly 40 doesn’t scare me. I developed a chronic and debilitating pain condition early in my 30s that is mostly under control and I feel like going into my 40s I’m trending a good direction physically and financially. Hopefully gonna Clooney the hell out of my 40s 😂

  21. as a 41 year old.. i thought about how half my life is over…. then I thought about how I have half my life left to live… and if I want to enjoy that Half of my life I better let go of the last half of my life…

    AS a glass is half empty kind of guy this is what got me through….

  22. The day I turned 40, the gym was harder. I’m sure it’s all in my head, but shit was heavier that day. Mostly it’s just coming to terms with the fact that when you’re in your 30’s you feel like a legit adult with your shit together, but not old, whereas now you’re definitely not a young man anymore by any definition.

    If you’re already hitting the gym, keep that shit up, and start if you’re not already. Get your test levels checked regularly, TRT is pretty awesome stuff. Also, my wife and I are swingers and regularly invite women into bed with us, so banging 28 year-olds is a pretty decent way to feel better about crossing the 40 yo mark.

  23. Shit, 40 was one of my best birthdays ever. 41 has been tougher, but I look and feel younger now than I have in a good while.

    You don’t have to roll over and die because you hit a given number. We get out of this what we put into it, you know? Up to a point, anyway.

  24. It’s not as tough as it sounds, because you never stop feeling 17. I’m 47. I just bought a new pair of rollerskates and waiting on a bike to come. You never get old if you keep your mind young and open, and your body active and busy.

  25. Got a divorce. Went on a tinder dating binge for 5 years. Got married again. 10/10 would have 40 again.

  26. You hit that realization in time that “damn I’m getting old”. A lot of your decisions in your 20’s about diet, sleep, and exercise and other things are going to hit you too. Bad decisions and bad consequences always start hitting you around 40-50. It all catches up to you. Take care of yourself.

    But when that realization hits and you realize you have a shelf-life (personally I got jarred into that pretty quick seeing some of the guys I knew die), you realize that your time is short and you start cleaning up your life, re-prioritizing things and double-timing it towards your goals in life the best you can. No one is guaranteed anything but today.

    For example, no one on their deathbed ever wished they spent another shift at work. Once your life is over, could you look back and say you were everything you could be and wanted to be? Or just a lot of wasted potential? How do you want to be remembered by those that know you?

  27. I’ve talked to all of my friends and we came to the conclusion that we all feel exactly the same way as we did in our 20’s

    I just hit 40 and can agree. I have no clue how anyone could have a “midlife crisis”. This is just another year.

  28. I know this isn’t the case for everyone, but I’m in my late 30s, and I’m definitely happier now than I’ve been since elementary school. I have a job I don’t hate and that pays good money. I’m very financially stable, and making steady progress toward early retirement. I don’t have to drag myself out of bed to go to school and (in middle school and to a lesser degree, high school) get bullied. Although I still feel immature and not very self-actualized for my age, I feel a little more at peace with myself than I did 10 or 15 years ago. Most of all, I’m in a loving marriage.

    So, yes, sometimes it is discouraging to think about how much of my life is behind me. More than that, I also feel some regret about wasting time, especially in my teens and early-mid 20s. However, I’m also encouraged by the fact that the last decade or so has been a lot better than the decade and a half before it, so I’m fairly optimistic that much of the remainder of my life will be happy and enjoyable.

  29. I’m 44 and other than my body starting to occasionally remind me of that fact, it’s really not radically different. Still mentally sharp and physically able to do what I want, and the wisdom and maturity of my years has made me more content, stable, and appreciative of what I have instead of upset about what I don’t.

    Turning 40 is also way better than the alternative, so there’s that as well…

  30. The worst part is realising you become less and leas relevant for society.
    No one is making any movies or tv shows about a bunch of 40year olds if you know what I mean

  31. The only thought that keeps me sane in the face of that is the possibility that my 40s will end up being some of my best years.

  32. I turned 40 about six weeks ago. About 18 months ago I started losing weight so that I wouldn’t be overweight at 40 and that’s actually gone really well – I look & feel better than I did through most of my 30s. But on the other hand, mid-life crises are real and along with some personal hardships, the last few months have been rough. idk, I don’t have any good advice except: try to lose some weight if you need to.

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