I found this-

“Phenylethylamine is the hormone-like substance produced at the early stages of attraction that provokes the dizzy sensation some people feel when they’re falling in love. It triggers the release of norepinephrine, which helps the body respond to stress, and dopamine, “the joy and reward chemical,”

Second date we kiss and she almost falls down in her living room 😂 it was early morning and we hadn’t been drinking. She said she’s never experienced that before.

I didn’t realize it was a thing before I looked it up. Has this happened to you? Is it common?

That happens and we slept together twice then she tried to friend zone me lol I haven’t spoken to her in two days. She’s one of the great ones. I hope she calls, I can’t chase her.

  1. Love is not a fairytale. If she almost faints when you kiss her, she needs to see a medical professional.

  2. Not quite the same but when I first got with my ex, I would get so nervous my heart would start beating and I would almost throw up.. once things did escalate, I did end up having to stop a few times to throw up so..

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