I looked to see if this was asked and bits and pieces yes it has but not really…. but I’m curious.

What do you think and feel about grocery shopping? Are you indifferent to the task? Do you love it? Hate it? Do you prefer to go alone or with someone? Or do you prefer not to go in-store at all and prefer pick-up or delivery? And do you have a “why” for feeling that way?

Bonus: Oh oh oh!!! I have a few stories from grocery stores and I want to hear yours! Weird, quirky, cute, silly?! I’d be willing to bet, there are a few creepy ones too…

  1. Neutral. It’s a necessary part of maintaining a household, so we do it. I don’t have any feelings about it beyond that. It’s a standard home chore.

  2. I don’t really have strong thoughts and feelings about grocery shopping. Usually I just view it as a completely neutral necessity. If there are a ton of customers and the lines are super long I’n annoyed.

  3. Neutral. It’s just a chore. I don’t dislike it, I don’t get any joy out of it. Currently only using delivery because of my health, and I’ll probably stick with it when I’m better too. I don’t mind the shopping part, but I don’t have a car so it’s nice not having to carry stuff home.

  4. I hate it. Which is why I have my groceries delivered. I can shop for them while watching tv. And once here he helps me put them away. Painless

  5. I preferred it when it my youngest son and I were doing the grocery shopping. We made a day of it. We would get lunch, hit Walmart/Target and then the grocery store. It was actually fun! Now going with my husband, I always feel rushed and things get forgotten. Why? Because if it’s not hunting season, he’s on call.at 5 and we have be ready to drop everything. Typical grocery shopping day is gym, lunch, groceries, put frozen/fridge stuff away, get back in the car to go the refuge to get the get in number or quickly cook dinner so he can go to bed to get up at 3 am(hunting season); on-call is the same but hurry up dinner in case he has to go in because admin has FUBARRED the schedule and refuses to pay enough to attract more people.

  6. Neutral .. it’s fun when I have cash. Less fun when Im broke. Always advisable to do when I have a list so I don’t buy junk.

  7. I have fibromyalgia and grocery shopping uses a lot of my very limited energy, and can leave me sorer than usual for days, so these days I usually have it delivered, even though I would rather not have to do that 😞

  8. I get out of my car for Costco, but otherwise, I prefer to have my groceries delivered to my car. I may or may not have an irrational fear of domestic terrorism.

  9. I HATE grocery shopping but I can’t justify delivery because I live less than a mile from a grocery store.

  10. Unless I’m already out and the household needs a thing or two, I only go grocery shopping with my man. I take any quality time with him that I can and we flirt the whole time. Shopping together also is a way of finding new products that interest us. We both can feel overwhelmed at times from all the stimulation, so having support makes the experience less stressful.

    When I was single I ordered grocery pickup and rarely entered the store. It was quicker, more convenient, saved my energy, and was no more expensive than the alternative.

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