So I’m interested in this girl and we talk occasionally. I see her mostly at work, and outside we mostly talk through FB messenger. It works well enough but it feels really informal. What I’m not sure is whether or not I need to ask for her number or not since I technically don’t need it. I will also add that I have never been in a relationship before so I’m kind of new to this thing.

  1. I have no idea why you’d want to make it pushy and potentially awkward by asking for her number, when you already have free access to her on FB.


    Just ask her out already.


    >I will also add that I have never been in a relationship before so I’m kind of new to this thing

    Tho maybe cool it with the relationship stuff, as that might very well come of as needy or even desperate.

    Go out, have fun .. get laid if you can .. and if that is repeated then .. well then!

  2. You are going to friendzone yourself be brave clear and direct. Stop giving her all of your attention without getting any of what you want in return it’s needy girls can sense thatshit from a mile away.

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