I’ m a 15 year old boy and I’ve noticed that girls just don’t really like me. There was a girl I dated for a few months and at the end she said she didn’t even know why she dated me. The next girl left me for another guy. A while ago there was a girl I called and when she found out who I was hung up and blocked me. I haven’t done anything bad to offend them in any way and I’m confused. You’re probably thinking I’m ugly or fat but everyone says I am just an average looking guy. Even other girls. Yet if my small group of friends ask who looks the best and I am always at the bottom or near the bottom. I find myself not being able to stop watching porn and feeling like shit all the time. I just want to know how to make myself more attractive and happier. Yes I know the gym brings these things and I go and try to better myself but it doesn’t seem to make me feel better I only feel sore and tired all the time.

  1. Learn an art, don’t be afraid to express yourself, but also understand that the most good you can do is improve the livelihood of another, while the most evil you can do is actively stand in the way of others. Know your boundaries, don’t be afraid, and respect the boundaries of someone you like. When you’ve formed a bond with someone you like, ask them as honestly but as subtly as you can, and understand that the worst they can do is say “no”, let nothing change, and have you accept that nothing has changed.

  2. Find something that makes you happy. I’ve been where you are bud and looking back the amount of time and money i spent on a girl for about a year of happiness could have bought me so much more. A new hobby, a new pc, an upgrade for my car. While there is nothing wrong with getting a girlfriend, it sounds like you are trying to get a girlfriend for the purpose of having one to try and feel something, and its not gonna have the affect you want. Try and pick up a hobby or art. Maybe join a club or social group, or if seeking professional help is an option it’s always worth it. Therapy isn’t just for if you have serious issues, it’s great to consult on little things. If someone comes along give it a shot, but if you are out there looking for the purpose of finding someone the person you find is unlikely to be the one who makes the best impact on you.

  3. Focus on yourself. You’re 15 and have decades of life ahead of you. You’ll grow into yourself and gain confidence. You’re still developing as a person and so are the girls you’re chasing. While it might seem frustrating and perhaps hopeless at times you just gotta keep at it. I’d suggest eliminating porn from your life as it does nothing but warp your view on sex in nothing but negative ways. Pick up a hobby and get good at it. Chicks dig a guy who has a skill. Get a job so you not only have money, but demonstrate you’re value as a provider. ASK A GIRL ON A DATE. Yes, next time you see a girl you like ask her “hey would you want to go on a date to [whatever] sometime?”. Just be confident in yourself. Practice good hygiene. Establish yourself as a quality person. Everything else will fall into place.

  4. Work on having a glow up. Dont just go to the gym. Make a long term goal to become as fit as fuck. Look for a haircut that suits you, try to dress better. Start doing these things now and you will be much better off in a year.

    Also dont go chasing girls per se, focus on making friends and having fun. You can meet girls organically this way. And I agree with the other person to stop watching porn. Its easy to become complacent when you’re fulfilling your sexual urges through porn all the time. The pain of rejection can be a good motivator to improve as a man

  5. I promise you on my life, disregard anyone who disagrees with me, reddit is full of unmuscular losers. Get muscles. Research a good beginner strength program. You’re at a great age for it. Women love muscles more than life itself. If you get muscles, women will adore you and you will literally get more female attention then you even want. Haters will say that most of your adoration will come from other men… That’s true but you’ll like that respect and you’ll have enough female attention to roll your eyes when you get yet another thirsty woman shows up.

    I recommend Starting Strength as a strength program. You don’t need to read the book. Just YouTube the basic program and form for the lifts.

    Muscles will change your life. Weak men will spend decades coping and coming up with argument after argument. They spend so much time not getting laid that they can spend all fucking day coming up with more and more arguments. Muscles are what women crave. Women have money now. Women are self sufficient. They don’t need whatever your teacher tells you that only good students and needs and shit and provide. They want muscles. Muscles are more important than any other variable that is within your control, more important than most variables you cannot control, more important than height unless you’re really cursed, and more important than money.

    You could be such a muscular Chad in three years and you’ll be noteworthy for your muscle and strength in just one. Please just trust me on this. It’s the most important leap of faith you will ever take. Muscles are everything. Weak men will say false things to you, women who hate pretending to have physical standards will say false things to you, and society writ large will say false things to you. I want the best for you so I’m telling you the truth from one muscular man to a man who will one day be muscular, I hope. Get muscles.

  6. Develop yourself as a human. Build yourself into an intelligent, kind, involved person, and decent people will come to you. Biggest thing: don’t be in a rush.

  7. Work on making yourself an interesting person. No matter how interesting you may already be, you can always make yourself more interesting.

  8. I’m gonna be real with ya here, you probably don’t. Unfortunately all the girls your age are going for older boys. You mmight have to wait a couple years until you’re one of those older boys. Freshman girls go for Jr. and Sr. guys.

  9. Don’t focus on dating. You can like girls or what ever but focus on school. I know it sounds cliche but if I could go back in time (30yo) I would have not cared at all about dating and focused on school/gym/learning to be financially smart.

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