I know that states differ from each other quite drastically and the standard of living is different as well. I’m asking it as russian national, how it’s been lately in the place where you live? Have you fully recovered from cov19?

  1. I am happy living in Colorado! Beautiful state. Family nearby. Nice neighbors. Great local schools. Lots of things to see and do.

    **Edit:** Regarding Covid, my family and I are up to date on our boosters and don’t worry about it any longer. Some people still mask in public here, but they are few and far between. When I see someone still using a mask, I assume there is some underlying reason for their continuing caution.

  2. I love it here. Great local culture, plenty of beautiful scenery, ski season has started and soon we’ll have lots of snow. We have the most breweries per capita and an excellent local food/art/music culture.

    That being said, crime is way up, employment is a bit odd, and housing is becoming murderously expensive.

    > Have you fully recovered from cov19?

    In some ways its like it never happened, in others we’re still living in its shadow.

  3. There are positives and negatives. I had covid for the first time last year but I am fine. My city has a large expatriate Russian and Ukrainian population with restaurants, businesses, etc.

  4. Things have been completest “normal” here since like mid-2021, arguably even earlier, in terms of COVID. Even in the most liberal parts of the country with the heaviest restrictions, there were basically none of them by early to mid 2022.

    Life is fine. The state politics is kinda fucked, but they usually do a 2 steps forward, one step back kinda thing. Pair a good thing with a really fucking stupid thing.

  5. Very happy. I live in a beautiful rural area with tons to do in the outdoors and the pace of life is quiet and easy.

    > Have you fully recovered from cov19?

    It’s changed a lot of things, but life is largely back to normal. I get a vaccination booster annually now, the same time as when I get my influenza vaccine.

  6. pretty good! In New Jersey. It’s a bit expensive and a little more densely populated than I’d like, but it’s a nice place! You wouldn’t even know covid ever happened here at this point

  7. New Hampshire is wonderful, clean air, cheap booze, little crime, some really nice towns, easy access to so many outdoor activities, and close to fun cities like Boston, Montreal, and NYC.

  8. I love my home! I live in a gorgeous spot in the mountains away from everything. State politics on the other hand……..

    I have yet to catch covid. Whoo hoo.

  9. Yes. It’s not perfect but I’m happy. It’s beautiful and if you are outdoorsy there’s always an adventure to be had.

    I guess my only complained are property theft, COL and lack of diversity/access.

    I miss how cheap Texas is and it’s diversity and the access of the cities I’ve lived in or near.

  10. I am much happier living here than I was 3 months ago due to the change in weather. Every summer I beg my S/O to move, and every winter we never want to leave.

    Arizona never really did any of the Covid lockdown stuff (compared to other states), so yes we’ve recovered as much as everyone else has. People still get it (and some die as a result), but it’s treated like any regular case of the flu by most people nowadays.

    Standard of living can’t really be measured on a state by state basis IMO. There are people living in, and may never escape from, poverty two miles south of where I live. There are also folks who are “never have to work a day in their lives” rich living two miles east of me. Overall I am happy with my standard of living here.

  11. Yup. Born in Florida. Love it. Plan on dying here. I feel we have recovered from covid. Homes are too expensive now. Homeowners insurance outrageous. Yes, I have traveled extensively.

  12. I live in Upstate New York I’m happy. It’s a low cost of living area so property taxes are low as is our insurance.

    Being in a semi rural area nothing much has changed before after and during covid lol, except the stores now close at 10:00 instead of being open 24/7 🙁 I miss my midnight Wegmans shopping.

  13. California is awesome. I lived in Missouri and Illinois before this and my quality of life has never been higher than it is in California.

    Sunny weather all year round, but not too warm. Spectacular nature. So many Asians that I don’t stick out at all. Great job opportunities. I don’t feel disadvantaged in the workplace as an Asian woman at all. Total acceptance of LGBT+ people to where it’s a total non-issue. Lack of drinking culture and focus on wellness so people seem happy and physically healthy.

    Of course it has its issues with crime and vagrancy, and the nice parts are too expensive for me to want to raise a family here, but it’s an incredible place to be young and childless.

  14. I love Oregon. There are certainly negative aspects of living here, especially the relatively low racial diversity and the very high cost of housing; but for me, the positives far, far outweigh the negatives. Particularly, the natural beauty is astounding here.

    We are pretty much fully recovered from COVID although we are having ongoing problems with the state unemployment office. Recently they surprised a large number of people with a demand to pay back money those people had gotten during the pandemic. This has happened several times and it seems like the office can’t handle whatever accounting problems they have.

  15. I loved Colorado and just recently moved to Northern Virginia, like it so far. Pretty much everywhere is better than Baton Rouge.

  16. I am happy living in Maine. The cost of living is often complained about but my wife and I do okay. I love the pace of life there.

  17. Aside from high cost of living and traffic (or too many people in general) I’m perfectly happy here.

  18. I hate the cost of living in LOS ANGELES.

    But its November 29, and its 75 degrees out. And I plan to BBQ tonight.

  19. I live in Massachusetts and I love it. We are taken very good care of by my town. I love my kids’ school. It’s safe and we don’t lock our cars or home.

    Where I live I really love the wildlife. I have critter cam (they are just amazon security cams but we point them in the yard where the animals are). I had bears last night (although I think she will hibernate soon), possum, grey fox, and an owl.

    But most states can be awesome, even the “worst ones” if you have plenty of money.

    It’s how it is for the working/middle class that is the issue.

  20. Not an American, but I’m a happy first-generation immigrant living in New Jersey. The diversity, food, and closeness is something I personally love but probably a lot of people dislike. The congestion and traffic is nothing compared to the country I grew up in (which I truly still miss). The people are also nice, and I prefer straightforward people than overly polite and smiley people.

  21. Yeah live in an apartment in a nice walkable town of 20k: Take train trips to different towns on the weekends, occasionally to NYC.

  22. I moved from California to West Virginia in 2021 and I’ve never been happier. Everything in California is a competition and if you don’t have an insane amount of ambition you’ll get burned out very quickly.

  23. NW Oregon here, I enjoy it a lot and probably won’t ever leave. Possibly move closer to the coast when I retire. But the climate and scenery are too good compared to other states.

  24. I live in Minnesota (Minneapolis) and yeah I love it here. Beautiful place, 4 seasons, good mix of nature and farms, wonderful public school, wonderful public services (the library and parks and trails system is amazing here), friendly people, and I like the politics.

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