My ex cheated on me and a month down the line she finds out she is pregnant and se knows it’s not mine but the dad is a dead beat and she wants me to take het back and raise the child as my own

  1. Nooo don’t do it. You’re only 23!!! Keep moving forward, there so much more things to do and more people to meet.

  2. Nope.

    She’s just going to use you and this is part of it. She uses people and will drop you the moment she can use someone else. Which is selfish on her part.

    It’s hard to even figure out if she’ll learn her lesson and be a good person even if you got back with her and was a perfect partner, it’s more likely she’ll take you for granted and no matter how much you give, it won’t be enough.

    She shouldn’t have the kid. She needs to grow up. I doubt you’ll be able to fix her.

    The only good thing I can see here would be if she did seem to grow up and change and get alimony from the dead beat and build a family and raise the kids right. Without knowing both of you, I don’t know if that’s a good path.

  3. The challenging part you’ll face, if you do decide to work things out with her….it’s her co-parenting with the other guy.

    But that’s not the hardest part, because if you do form a bond with this child and love it as your own, keep in mind that if she left you once, she is capable of doing it again. And then you’ll lose her love and the child.

    I honestly think, she doesn’t want to get back with you because she loves you, she just doesn’t want to go through the pregnancy alone. But as soon as the other comes into the picture again, she will DISCARD YOU and tell you it’s best for her baby.

    So I highly advised you getting back with her. You will have a broken heart for a while, but you’ll get over it and find someone else that will love you and care about you.

    Good luck.

  4. I’m guess your dumb enough to consider taking her back. Don’t be a stupid idiot, and have some fucking balls.

  5. Dogs… Start blazing a trail in the other direction. If she had the gull to cheat on you, she doesn’t have the capacity to respect you.

  6. Lmaoooo you shouldn’t need Reddit’s advice for this one

    Also if you were to help raise the kid, I believe there are some ass backward laws that could make you responsible to pay child support in the future if she leaves you again

  7. Oh bless her. Realised the grass wasn’t greener on the other side after all, and should have kept her panties on too? Awww. Shame. Don’t you DARE take her back. From a woman who’s been cheated on more than once and gave too many second chances

  8. She made her decisions, bruv. You’re young and have your whole life ahead of you, do not throw that away for a woman that came crawling back pregnant because the baby’s daddy is a deadbeat. She doesn’t want you because she loves you and thinks you’d be a good partner and parent, she’s crawling back because she has no other options. She will lie, and cheat again and again. Taking her back would be an absolutely terrible life decision for you. Ultimately, she will suffer for her consequences because SHE made those decisions. That has nothing to do with you, and if she says otherwise in any way, shape, or form, she’s being manipulative. You need to focus on yourself. Have some self-respect! You do not deserve that treatment or life! At least with your next partner, if you want a baby, you will have the fun of making it yourself. If she ever talks about how she misses you or loves you or tries any other form of love bombing or trying to scare you, don’t even react. Learn to grey rock and tell her (as nicely as you want) to fuck off and never contact you again. You have your whole life ahead of you, don’t let a stupid cheater drag you down to their level.

  9. What advice do you need lol? Kick her to the curb obviously. If for some reason you wanna be a dad real soon, trust me she ain’t gonna be it. She may be a good mom but a shit partner, that is not worth your mental health in the long run. Get away, take a break and recover, then you are mentally ready to look for someone to have a family with if that is what you want:)

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