Husband calls me bitch sometimes when he’s angry. Yesterday I told him to take back some gifts he bought me because he was being rude after he bought them and I told him not but get me anything for Christmas either. I go into the room and heard him talking to himself about me mocking my voice and then saying stupid bitch. This morning I told him that I was upset about it and he tried saying he didn’t remember saying it. I’m frustrated that everytime I try to confront him about it he tells me that he never said it or that he doesn’t remember saying things. It’s sooo annoying and around others he always acts like the nice guy. I love him, but I’m getting really tired of it and it makes me fall out of love with him.

  1. Goodness, that isn’t a respectful way to speak to anyone, let alone one’s spouce.

    Perhaps it would be a good time to have a sit-down conversation about treating each other respectfully and learning to manage disappointment and frustration with grace instead of lashing out in aggression?

    There is, quite frankly, no reason to speak to anyone that way.

  2. I think this is probably less important that most of the rest of the context. I don’t know how he was “rude” and you returning his gifts and saying not to get anything for Christmas — like, sounds like a pretty epic fight, and this is not the *source* of it, just something that happened in the middle.

  3. Yes, it’s started out during him shopping for my gifts and he started making fun of me and teasing me about what I wanted. He tends to tease me a lot and I know I should take it personally but after a while it hurts.

  4. May I ask why you are going to miss out on gifts because of his bad behavior? The consequences of his bad actions should impact him not you.

  5. Please talk to him about this! That is no way to talk to anyone especially to someone you claim to love. What is he an energy drink addict teenager?

  6. Wrong at every level, he simply should have granted your wish to not get anything. And to go any mock you, and call you names would make me disrespect my wife if she was to do anything like that. He’s got issues.

  7. Call him a stupid bitch.. bet he won’t like it.
    Jokes aside, that’s abusive. You deserve better.

  8. To be honest, I’d be more upset about him claiming not to remember saying it. My wife and I have gotten into heated arguments sometimes and have said mean things to each other like this, however, when it’s time to talk about it, we don’t try to gaslight each other and pretend we never said it. We own up to it and apologize.

  9. That’s a very mean thing to say.
    Have you ever said mean things to him?

    Sometimes different words can hurt different people.
    I’m not blaming you and no one deserves to be spoken to like that but it’s worth some introspection

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