I started seeing someone exclusively a few weeks ago, and we started out great and secure. Until his workload started to pick up, his communication started to shift. We have been texting minimally since then, to which he feels bad when he doesn’t reply as promptly as before. We’ve talked about it, that he prefers calling instead of texting if we want to connect.

Over the weekend, we were supposed to spend Sat & Sun together, but when I arrived shortly after at his place on Sat, he said that he’s going to need Sunday off to recharge, which I agreed as I could tell how low-energy he was when I arrived. He also ended up taking 2 big naps on Sat in between our activities.

Sun rolled around, I was prepared to leave after I got up but I was hoping for a final quickie for the road, so I climbed on top of him at the sofa. We nuzzled each other and he suggested we grab brunch instead.

While he was getting ready, I broached him about it why he wasn’t in the mood because he usually has a high sex drive. That’s when he went into a mental overdrive, that he’s not feeling it and need the day for himself to recharge. I realised that he was getting into the ‘red zone’, so I backed off and suggested that it’s okay to skip brunch and he can have the rest of the day to himself, as we discussed.

In that moment, he admitted that he has never been able to relax in relationships, as much as he may be enjoying the connection. So he has been sucking it up, putting all these pressure on himself to have this relationship, even when he was ready to be exclusive before I was. It’s the first time he told me about it and I wished he could have said it earlier, so we can work around his boundaries. That is when I realise that we both have our anxious attachment tendency, but with different triggers.

I left his place with tight hugs and smooches. He seemed to have calmed down at that point. I told him to let me know how it goes and he said he will. I haven’t heard from him since Sun and while this sucks, there are other things that I can give my attention too, like my career & mental health too.

***So, my question is, what can I do to still show that I care without stifling him?*** This post is probably somewhere between I need advice & support needed cuz things were going well for awhile.I also recognize that he has to work on regulating his stress and figure out what’s triggering his anxiety. I’m thinking of leaving a multivitamin care pack at his door a day before he leaves for a weekend sports competition.

1 comment
  1. I wouldn’t reach out no matter what because I’m not sure if he has lost interest or really stressed out from work.

    I’ve been told multiple times that guys need room to think and act. If he reaches out, just pretend nothing happened and get him a cookie or something for your next meetup.

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