Has anyone else experienced this? I doubt every city/place is like this. Wasn’t where I’m from. I find the whole experience very odd.

I’m a young guy and this experience is always happening with other guys are are around my age.

I’ll just be doing something during my day to day routine like shopping or working out and someone starts a conversation with me and then wants to exchange numbers. At first I thought they were trying to scam me but I’ve gone with it each time and have never been invited to an MLM Meetup or something like that. They seemed normal and nice. They will ask for my number and text me first. Maybe I’ll invite them them to something I’m doing (perhaps with other friends) and they’ll ghost. Or, they will just ghost at some point before then. 3 times in 10 months and the same thing each time.

So they aren’t trying to scam me, or maybe they were but realized I’m not an easy target?

It’s starting to annoy me because 1) Like you take 5-10 minutes out of my day, not so much the time but the specific time I’m trying to do something else. why waste time like that? what are you doing? lol. 2) if I see you again in that place it’s annoying having to pretend like I don’t know you (hasn’t happened yet thankfully) 2) I also had a thought if it’s just an ego boost for certain kinds of people

I guess I gotta start being more rude/cut off, wear headphones more often when this happens

  1. Definitely do not think it’s to scam. Sounds like the people are just not feeling a connection/realize they aren’t gonna get in your pants easy- so they stop responding. First impressions and first conversations are important, if they are saying hey and asking questions or showing interest and you’re just giving very vague answers or not asking anything about them- it might just be reason enough for someone to ghost and decide ok this person isn’t very interesting nevermind or this person doesn’t seem like they do causal hook ups nevermind or even the opposite- this person seems like they are only into causal and I want serious- but it’s definitely about the way you’re communicating with them and there not being a spark. It really sucks that people can’t just be mature and articulate their issue with the person/convo instead of ghosting cause it leaves so many questions for the person who was ghosted like yourself. Just take that as it is though and know that anybody who is truly a mature individual would not just ghost and YOU DESERVE AN ADULT WHO CAN COMMUNICATE. So although it may hurt, they did you a favor in the long run. One less asshole for you to have to weed out. Goodluck

  2. I’m dealing with the same thing!! I do Uber and I get asked to bars for a night out and for my socials and phone number most every work day. Then after a bit of taking they ghost. Meeting people by chance doesn’t work.

    It takes 60 hours of a shared common activity to become friends.120 to become better friends.

    When they meet you for the first time they are obviously interested in you and want to get to know you. However….

    Building a relationship through text is just not going to work. They are still wary of you. They don’t know you and honestly even when they instigated it, they just aren’t comfortable. Your texts and their texts aren’t as interesting/ as comfortable as in person. Seeing how you handle stress, traffic, a problem, the way you laugh and talk, how you smile is not the same as a funny text.

    It takes building something from the ground up to make it work. And even if you invite them out they are just too nervous to go.

    Yes people make friends by chance but this isn’t something to rely on.

  3. Sadly Ghosting is now part of todays society. It’s easier to move on and find someone else to chat with

  4. A lot of the times it’s their own issues / lack of communication skills that makes them ghost people. I ghost people all the time bc I get insecure like I’m boring or idk what else to say or if I say this I’ll sound dumb so I just stop responding or block them or whatever. Not good that I do that but it’s definitely not always a you issues a lot of the times it’s a them issue

  5. I think some people find chatting with people interesting, they enjoy it. And after being satisfied they leave and find another person to talk to.

  6. This just happened to me not long ago, it hurts still a bit though then it not hurt so much at the same time. It is what it is. Just wish they tell me a reason, guess they won’t ever.

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