What is the one thing you’ve done in your life that you’re sincerely proud of?

  1. I helped protect my loved ones when it was needed.
    I still wish I could do more but I did what I could

  2. I’ve survived every kind of abuse and neglect, not to mention constant bullying and harassment everywhere I went, and I have never become an abuser nor a bully or harasser

    I am living proof that you can break the cycle.

  3. I graduated with my masters degree in Business and I took my gown to a famous mountain and climbed it and took pictures of myself at the peak during sun rise. As I came down, I was put on the news as the first person to climb this particualr mountain post covid. They put my graduation photos on the news too.

  4. Started working a full time job when I was 14 and never stopped. Managed to finish High School and go to college on my own money.

    When my parents went bankrupt during the pandemic I gave them all the money I had saved up since I was 14. It set me back a lot in life but they sacrificed so much for me, It was the least I could do.

  5. I got myself and my entire family (including extended family) out of poverty, breaking seven cycles of generational poverty.

  6. left a cult after 25 years even despite my husband choosing to stay which cost me my marriage but im free

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