Ive had a few guys eat me out. I really enjoy it and guys that have liked it to. However, my current bf doesn’t have interest. I’ve been with him for about 6 months & he’s gone down on me once…both these times it lasted about 10 seconds.
He says it has nothing to do with smell or taste but it still makes me feel like something is wrong with me idk. I shower twice a day, and wax/shave down there, but it still makes me overthink if I’m not clean enough.
Ofcourse I would never want him to feel pressured or forced to do anything. I just also feel like there is an imbalance in taking care of each other sexually.
I spend majority of our sexual time sucking his dick in different positions,rimming, fingering, jerking off,etc. While he will on and off finger me for a few minutes then sex.
I’ve spoken to him a few times about how I really like when he eats me out, but when I bring it up it annoys him or he’s ignoring my feelings on it. Should I pull back from how much attention I give him sexually or see what happens?

  1. I guess it really depends on the relationship…do you love making him feel good or just do it to please him and be done with it?

  2. You’ve talked to him about it and he doesn’t care to do better. Move along, life is too short for bad sex and men who don’t care about your pleasure 🤷‍♀️. If you need more to be happy get out there and find it girly.

  3. Are you freshly showed when he has tried to eat you?

    I don’t want my lady friend to give me a BJ if I am not freshly showered. And I don’t want to have my face between her legs if she is not.

  4. He’s dating someone 6 years younger than him because women his age won’t put up with that shit. Unless it’s hurting him mentally or physically, he’s just being a lazy, selfish lover. Firmly tell him that you need more. That you want him to go down on you. Ask him why, exactly, he doesn’t want to do it. Maybe he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he’s insecure about it.

  5. I’m being picky here, but I don’t think the issue is that he doesn’t go down on you. I think it’s that he doesn’t reciprocate what you do in any way. If there was something you liked just as much & he did that, it would seem fine to me. But that’s not the case.

  6. I would have a serious convo about what is important sexually between us. If he gets angry and defensive when you bring up your needs then he’s not a great communicator which is a recipe for a crappy life partner. If he says he just really does not enjoy doing it you can ask more questions. Does he not know how? Is he insecure? Does he not enjoy the act itself?

    If he sincerely doesn’t enjoy it with anyone then you need to determine how important that aspect of your sexuality is and act accordingly. Personally I love giving oral to my partners and if they did not enjoy doing the same back it would be a deal breaker.

    I’ve been in a relationship where it was one sided and eventually sex turned into a chore and I didn’t want to do it at all. If he’s not enthusiastic about your pleasure, won’t talk about it, it won’t change. It’s either something people really enjoy doing for their partners… or they’ll weasel their way out of it as much as possible to get their pleasure with least amount of effort. Only you can decide how much of that you are willing to live with and for how long.

  7. You are 19, he is banking on you acting like it. In other words, women his age would tell his ass to take a walk. Stop giving this dude any pussy, stop sucking him off, take your mouth off his asshole, and find dick that actually does to you what you do to him.

    As in today, right now, tell him to either grow up and fuck right, or find the next gullible chick.

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