I recently had a falling out with a friend who I feel literally peer pressured me into coming out (being bi) I felt like she was going to tell everyone I know this is how bad it was! I’m 26 and have never told anyone before and I on top of that have never been in a relationship. I told this friend who I thought I could trust who then went and told all of her friends and now its all over town. Like this
has made me so depressed I’ve been crying at work and to top it off shes friends with my
boss who now has the whole office harassing me including HR!

  1. So sorry to hear this awful tale of betrayal!
    Yeah that’s why some people’s circles of friends are small or some people…like me for instance I have no friends because humans in general can be cruel and vile creatures.
    I feel your pain friend but all you can do right now is stay strong,and know you did nothing wrong!

  2. That’s a law suit waiting to happen if your boss is joining in, contact a lawyer and start documenting everything that’s happening

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