What do you and her have in common?

  1. A love for family, and hot tubs.

    Besides that we have aligned interests.

    He likes to collect, drive and work on cars, I like to be a passanger in a motor vehicle.

    He likes to play golf, I like to visit country clubs and chill out in their spas.

    He likes to eat gourmet food, I like to prepare gourmet food.

  2. We’re both introverted and instead of going out, our date nights consist of ordering Doordash and watching a show or playing a game.

  3. We’re both big horror movie people, we do a marathon every year of 31 movies in October. As a kid my family hated them and I never had anyone to watch them with so I love it. We have a lot of music in common, though we didn’t when we met, our interests grew on each other. A deep hatred of tradition, and our political beliefs line up almost exactly to where we’ve never really fought about it. The big stuff like how to raise kids and how to divide labor/money in the household.

  4. I think traveling, exploring, and the willingness to drive long distances. I took my friends to an art museum and they didn’t have the same attitude as my gf. They thought it was boring but I can be in a museum with my gf for hours just talking about different things and admiring it all. Also food, we definitely do love or food lol

  5. Binge watching TV shows and movies.

    Outdoors – especially camping in the mountains

    DIY Projects – any reason to pick up a power tool

    Road Trips – fun times listening to music, seeing the sights, and having a laugh

    Music – her playing, me listening

    Trivia – we’re both wellsprings of useless obscure knowledge

  6. Outdoorsy stuff: canoeing, snorkelling (if only so she can try and pet fish 0:3684 so far but still she tries), I can’t say I’m quite as much of a birder as my wife but I’ve become fond of the little guys, her hilarious ‘herping’ habit (going out looking for snakes, lizards and turtles), going out to talks and exhibits on new and interesting stuff.

    we also like a lot of the same books, podcasts and stuff and talking about nonsense afterwards. Really there’s only a few hobbies and interests we do not share.

  7. Theme parks, good beer and food, travel, video games, books, movies, our love of the holidays, and our cats! I’m sure there is more but that’s all I got right now.

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