Here I am in bed, just finished stalking my ex bf, and I find myself wanting to reach out again, I miss what we had, the good things that we talked about the dreams that I wanted with him but he didn’t want me. He broke up with me on July 12, 2023 his reasons was he wanted someone closer, he couldn’t wait for me I guess I really wanted him tho only him but I needed to let go of him cause it wasn’t healthy and I know my worth, I shouldn’t be chasing a guy that doesn’t want me and wouldn’t fight for me I should chase a guy who’s 5’8 and can’t make put on an effort in the relationship I should case a guy who doesn’t even fit my standards.

  1. You’re lonely and young. Eventually you’ll find someone right for you but it takes time.

  2. It is a resistence to accepting the real them in contrast to the version of them we build up in our imagination

  3. Why do you list his height as a negative? That seems superficial of you.

    The rest of these are definitely reasons to not chase. There’s plenty of other people out there.

  4. First of all, stop stalking. It’s hard, but your brain runs on data. You are inundating your brain with data about your ex, and it is doing it’s job and fixating on him. Find hobbies, go on dates, hang out with friends, give your brain other fodder to ruminate on.

    The secret to getting over someone for me, wasn’t trying to hate them. You like them for a lot of reasons. Don’t lie to yourself, it won’t work.

    It was to focus on the relationship as a whole. “I really liked that he texted me every morning, I want that in my next relationship. But I hated how he always checked the waitress out. I’m going to not deal with that in my next relationship.”

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