Okay, if you don’t get this question then idk what to tell you, but for those of y’all that do I’m curious what you think lol

  1. You think that because someone account is signed in that they haven’t stepped away from the computer?

  2. Chronically online is more than just posting a lot online. It becomes a giant chunk of your persona. Every belief and thought is connected to the internet. Either by deriving it from it or validating it on it. Like if it was taken from you, you become vulnerable.

  3. Posting or not, it boils down to the amount time you’re sinking into Reddit as a platform. That’s the difference; time, as well as self control.

  4. Chronically online = deriving your worldview by social media posts and becoming somewhat inept in real life situations.

    Here’s a rather harmless example: someone on r/books saying they can’t read a book because tiktok said it was problematic and they don’t want to be problematic. But because they want to read the book, they ask another social media website (reddit) for permission.

    They put so much personal stakes in what some randos say on the internet that they can’t do something they want to do without permission from *other* randos.

  5. Context. If the majority of your experience with other people is from Reddit, that’s a huge problem. If you have a life outside of Reddit, and just happen to be there a lot, you’re just a heavy Reddit user.

  6. Frequent Poster: You post frequently on reddit.

    Chronically Online: Your whole worldview is shaped by what you read on the internet, and you assume that everyone you meet thinks/acts like a chronically online person. You’ll shape your opinions, beliefs, and personality based on what some whackjob on the internet told you to.

    All chronically online people are frequent posters, but not all frequent posters are chronically online.

  7. Their opinions, usually. The chronically online are often very out there, loud, aggressive, and will never deviate from the hive mind. r/redditmoment has quite a few examples of that.

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