What is the perfect height for a woman to date? Also, what is your height?

  1. The perfect height to me is my fiancée’s. I never had any height preference before entering our relationship—she’s 6ft, taller than I am, and it’s never been an issue. I adore her height and she loves mine

  2. I’m 5’9″ and I’ve dated girl 5’9″ and below (I’d date a little taller but have never had the opportunity, lol).

    But if I had to choose the “perfect” height, I’d pick around 5’3″ +/- 1″.

  3. There is no perfect height, just preferences which we like, I love short petite women, doesn’t mean I’m going to knock back a chick who is 6ft tall & gorgeous.

  4. This is the sort of stupid shit that makes it clear why so many people are miserable dating..

  5. I am 5’10. Can’t say I’d have a deal-breaker height on either end of the spectrum if we got along famously enough, but…..I do like ’em tall. Tallest I’ve dated was a chick who was 6’5. The sex was great; too bad we really weren’t a match personality wise.

  6. Any. So much of this subreddit and the rest of the male-sphere internet is “Women are shallow and won’t date you if you’re not 6 foot” nonsense and I have no desire to do it in reverse.

  7. Too subjective. Even for me it’s impossible to answer what my “perfect” height is. I’m 6’3” so a woman shorter than 5’9” is difficult to…you know…stuff…and kiss while you’re…you know…stuffing. Also tough to kiss and hug because their face is always in an armpit or your necks have crane all weird. Then on the other hand I’ve always found women in the 5’2”-5’8” range to be the most attractive height to me. Then again, I’ve seen some women over 6’ who are beautiful but I’m not exactly attracted to them. Maybe a few, but it’s not what I look for.

  8. I like a girl that’s my height, or a little shorter because it makes it to where we can do doggy without having to tippy toe or bend the knees.

  9. Men can’t have preferences like women do where they are excluded of how they were born.

  10. To me, that’s within 10cm of my height (which is 170cm) – that way, there shouldn’t be a major risk of neck pain.

  11. It doesn’t really matter to me tbh, I’d say around my height would be ideal. But I’m totallly fine with a taller woman. I’m 5.8ft

  12. I’m 175cm, I dated women who were 150cm and wome who were 185cm.

    I don’t really care about height so there is no perfect height to me

  13. Doesn’t really factor into my preferences, but I dated someone who’s 4’11”, and at 6’3″ the height difference was awkward, so I guess taller than that 🤷🏼‍♂️

  14. 4’6 – 6’7 is a good height range for me. I’ve seen ladies in person at this height that I found attractive. Not sure if I’d marry a woman below 5’6 based off how ladies treat shorter guys. My height is 6’1.25. A lady that’s 5’6 looks small to me imo.

  15. I’m 6’1.

    Have dated between 5ft to 5’10. Ive found I’m just not into taller girls, they just seem too.. well… big.

    I think 5’2-5’6 is optimal for me. My wife is around 5’5 I think. It’s a perfect size

  16. Every woman I’ve dated was the same height or a 1-3 inches shorter. The kissing while standing up doesn’t hurt my neck.

  17. I’m about 5’7. Ideal height would be between 4’8 and 6’8.

    I doesn’t matter at all. Or rather, it only becomes a factor because so many women have massive hangups about it.

  18. I am 6ft tall
    In between 4,9 and 5,4 is the best. The lower on the scale the better. There’s just something about looking down on her that makes me feel good and I’m guessing it’s the same for women because you girls want tall motherfuckers

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