My bf (28) has been using my car for a month now. I’m out of country and he has been using my car which I don’t really like since I recently lost a job and am trying to save money in anyway, before leaving I had gotten oil change, full tank. Now it’s time to get another once change. I don’t mind him occasionally using it but I know how much he drives and my car is fairly new. But he says his car keys is lost and he still hasn’t gotten a new one. I also told him my car tire is bad so if u are using it can u please get it fixed. Nothing done.
Before that I also paid for his college from my cc around $3k since he didn’t have any and nor did I but I still paid it through cc. Now my cs is so low and affecting everything. Idk I feel like I’m being taken advantage of. Or am I thinking too much and being selfish?

TLDR: My boyfriend has been using my car extensively, causing additional expenses and knows I don’t have a job and hasn’t addressed maintenance issues. You also paid $3k for his college, impacting your credit score.

  1. Financial strain is the worst, and it doesn’t help he isn’t working. Time to put your boundaries down about what you think is fair, communication is key if things don’t make a shift in his mind might be time for an overhaul.

  2. You’ve become your boyfriends sugar mama. You have set boundaries for yourself as well. This relationship literally sounds 1 one way.

    Don’t let your boyfriend take your kindness as a sign of weakness. Establish clear and concise boundaries.
    Start holding your boyfriend accountable.

    A lost car key isn’t your problem it’s his.

  3. Stop being a doormat. Stop paying his things, stop letting him use your car at all. This adult man can go get his car keys. He is taking advantage of you. You don’t even mention whether he’s going to pay you back that $3k? Which you can’t afford at all.

    Nowhere in this is any indication that this person respects you.

  4. He’s clearly taking advantage of you financially. I wouldn’t be allowing him to drive the car, of for nothing else than insurance reasons. Protect yourself and your assets here and make sure this guy knows you mean business when it comes to your things and your finances.

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