Prior to my first date with this girl, I couldn’t have been more excited. We had been texting for weeks and were getting along very well. We had a ton in common and loved all the same things.

For the first date, we went out for drinks and talked nonstop for 3 hours. Over the next week we texted tons back and forth. She was clearly excited to see me again and already “making” plans for 3rd and 4th dates. For the 2nd date, she invites me to meet over at her house beforehand and we leave from there. I’m optimistic because that means that we’ll be back there after the date and I’m hoping she’ll invite me in.

I’m not sure exactly why, but the day of our 2nd date I was having an off day. Maybe it was because I didn’t sleep well, stressed about work, or because she was coming on strong and over the top nice that it threw me off. Anyways, we go out on the 2nd dats Nothing bad happens, but I’m just off and lack the charisma I had on date #1. Low energy, not very exciting, & mediocre conversation.

I can tell towards the end that she was losing interest in me. A few days after the date, she changes her tune and says she doesn’t see us being more than platonic friends. I’m struggling to move past this because I feel like i lost the chance with her because of the bad 2nd date. Like she was very into me and then it changed all of a sudden.

Is there any point to asking her for another chance and trying to rekindle the attraction? Or do I just move on and try to learn for next time.

Given how much we have in common and shared interests it feels like a missed opportunity to not give it another shot?

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