And if you don’t like being called that, what do you like being called when the moment is getting spicy?

  1. Not my thing. Back in my younger, pre marriage man-whoring days, I’d shut that shit down quick if a girl started calling me daddy.
    Same for the few chicks who wanted me to call them “momma/mommy”.
    Nothing against those that dig it, of course. You shine on, ye crazy diamonds.

  2. I’m not into that. There’s not anything I’m particularly into being called when I’m fucking.

  3. I wouldn’t be opposed to it if it was a heat of the moment phrase that slipped out, whatever gets her to the finish line. But I don’t want a performative response that she thinks I want to hear.

  4. We like to be called daddy? That’s news to me.

    >what do you like being called when the moment is getting spicy?

    My name. “You” also works.

  5. I like it.
    I think it has a deep root in traditional fathers being the leader. Their partner entrusted everything to him. Womens future were dependend on whether he takes care of her or doesn´t. Used in a sexual way it translates to sexual dominance. Your partner entrusts herself to you. But I´m not even sure if that´s what I feel. I can´t really pinpoint it out.

  6. Yeah, this isn’t a Us Men, that’s a you thing.

    If you’re in to that, that’s fine.

    I have a name and would prefer that be used. Other established pet names will be fine, and Daddy will never be one of them.

    I also don’t know what the fuck Spicy means as it sounds like it’s less than hot, but some people use it to describe combination anal/vaginal fisting which is… an ocean ahead of hot, over on the Fetish Isles.

  7. Not to my liking, just is weird to me even before I had my daughters, would probably be a mood killer if I was ever called it…which luckily I haven’t

  8. I don’t think most men do, mate haha.

    >what do you like being called when the moment is getting spicy?

    My name. It sounds dumb but that’s the sexiest thing a woman can call me in the bed. Makes it so personal.

  9. I never had kids so I don’t have that paternal association with “Daddy”. So to me it’s entirely kinky and sexual and I love it.

  10. I’ve never had a woman call me that during sex, but if that gets her into it, I don’t know that I’d stop her.

  11. For me it’s nothing to do with the meaning behind being called daddy, it just sounds slutty as fuck when women say it to you in bed.

    When it comes to sex and being horny, all logic goes out the window.

  12. I’ll never request it, but if she likes it, I’m fine with it. Ex-girlfriend would say it anytime she was really into it while riding.

  13. I like it because there’s a submissive connotation to it. It’s an invitation for you to take charge

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