Like the title says, I (F24) gave my bf (M26) a strain of low risk hpv that causes genital warts. Let’s say I was some what active in my single years and wasn’t too concerned about condoms having trusted my partners and I had had the high risk hpv (cervical cancer) vaccine. Anyways, I didn’t know that I had hpv variant 11 and 16 or something, until I was 6 months into our relationship. After that, I got a wart, and he got some too. They look like skin tags but I think they are warts. We are both taking immune boosters such as zinc and moducare but they don’t seem to be helping.

The thing is, what if we don’t last? How will either of us find new partners? Our relationship has been on the rocks lately, and I’m honestly worried about our futures in terms of finding partners with this condition.

TL;DR- I gave my bf a low risk variant of HPV and I’m scared if we break up he won’t be able to find anyone else because of the genital warts.

  1. >We are both taking immune boosters such as zinc and moducare but they don’t seem to be helping

    See a doctor and see what they can prescribe to treat the warts. Stop trying to DIY it.

    >I think they are warts

    You THINK? Go get a diagnosis, sis! What are you doing guessing about the sudden onset of physical symptoms on your genitals!?

    >How will either of us find new partners?

    HPV OFTEN clears from the system within a few years. This may not even be a thing for you moving forward.

    Get tested often, talk to a medical doctor about your concerns, and remember that loads of people with incurable and contagious STIs find sexual partners ALL THE TIME. You will not be cast out as a leper for having HPV. Just be open and honest with your partners and keep lots of condoms on hand.

  2. Ugh. Bummer. Talk to your doctors. There is treatment for hpv and you may clear the infection from your system. It’s not something you necessarily are gonna have for life, but go to a doctor and ask them what’s up and what to do.

    I didn’t know there was a test to determine what strain of hpv you have. But if it is 11 and 16 the newest hpv vaccine protects against those strains. Though apparently the cdc does not recommend someone who has gotten an earlier gardasil vaccine also get the second and more comprehensive type, it’s allowed…worst case scenario someone that is really into you but really squicked by the hpv thing can go through the vaccination process. It’s not quick (probably takes about 8 months to go through the whole series), but it’s an option.

    Lastly…how do you know you gave it to your boyfriend? Maybe he gave it to you.

  3. Step one is get a doctor to confirm it and get a treatment plan.

    If your relationship ends, it ends. You tell new partners before getting naked “hey, I’m clearing an infection right now, so I’d prefer to wait X time (told to you by your doctor) before sealing the deal”.

    If you’ve got an incurable variant, then you tell partners before getting naked “hey, I’ve got HPV. I’ll send you some resources on it so you know the risks, alright?”

    I won’t say that no one will dump you or be grossed out by you saying that, but I will say that any mature potential partner will read up on the risks and what protective measures they can take, and will make their decision based on that.

    Also, PLEASE join the standard of being tested in between each new partner. There are way too many STIs that can do real damage before they show visible signs worrying enough to go to a doctor, so as an adult caring for your health means regular STI tests. Even if you clear this, don’t go bare unless all participants INCLUDING YOU have had an STI test since their last partner.

  4. If you want to fix your relationship you exposed the easiest and perfect place to start.

    You literally gave this man a lifelong STD and then came here speaking about how you are worried about your future and dateing. That is lowkey pretty messed up.

    How about you focus on your relationship and apologizing and making him the priority. Make it up to him however you can. Assure him even if you break up you will possibly write him a nice letter explaining what happened and how his life was turned upside down. Putting the needs of your victim over yourself may help change your outlook on life and dateing.

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