So I’ve been seeing this guy 27M and I’m 25F for a few months. He has a daughter that is 2 years old but I have not met her because he is currently in a custody battle to get visitation with his daughter. He is expecting to get atleast 2 times a week with her and I’m sure if things continue to progress with him and I that I will be meeting her and be apart of her life.

I’m not sure what to expect as I haven’t dated a man with kids before. The closest I’ve come to is my sister having a child and being an active Aunty in her life. I do love kids and I have actually always been open to adopting one day if my partner was too.

I’m just unsure the boundaries and expectations I should have when I do start becoming involved with the child? I obviously understand I need to provide support and be a good role of a “step mum” but is there any things I should take into consideration if I feel overwhelmed etc?

I’m not sure if when another woman comes into the picture in what ways are they expected to fill that role of the woman.

Any tips with similar experiences/situations would be amazing!

  1. Like you said, just be there for that extra support. His daughter is only two so she’s pretty young still to understand the whole situation.

  2. Talk to him and see what his thoughts are id say. I know parents who don’t introduce until after a year, I know others who do after 3 months and I know others who have them calling the new partner mum or dad after a very short time.

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