I turn 22 tomorrow, so Reddit, what advice would you give your 22 year old self?

  1. Quit all forms of nicotine.

    Lift weights don’t skip cardio.

    Don’t worry about “optimal diet” just eat and get close to optimal.

    Don’t spend all the money from paychecks, save and invest more.

    You don’t need the newest GPU

    “Achievements” in video games are meaningless, accomplished goals in life are priceless

    No one cares, stop wasting energy worrying about what others think.

  2. Floss your teeth and get an electric toothbrush, cut down on sugar, go to the dentist for regular cleanings, put money aside in a savings account, try to work on travelling and working on different countries into your life somehow before you are too old to get travel visas, focus on yourself and your happiness and the right relationship will come, show appreciation to your loved ones every day, laugh, eat healthy, really consider schooling and education and what you really want and why.

  3. watch the world and the people on it destroy them selves with a cold drink and a smoke. don try to change things because u wont.

  4. Stop harping on the past and enjoy your youth. Go party and do all the things 18 year-old-you would say you’d never do.

  5. Buy stocks, work two jobs, make money while staying fit, while making friends, try new gyms, try new things, and build a life savings while building your plan for the future. Do not stare at the ceiling fan or “chill” at home doing nothing.

  6. Do something. It’s so easy to not do anything, and it will ruin you. Make plans, set goals, follow through, and be kind to yourself.

    Also be careful with alcohol and drugs. Habits take form real quick with the fun stuff

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