We are nearing fifty and married at 41ish. 2nd marriage both.

We have a schedule for sexual activity. Basically we have sex day one and she either blows or handjobs me day two, then it’s two days off and repeat. She is menopausal and has low libido but has great orgasms yet is low libido. She is eager to please me because sex is important to me, and the schedule works well.

Long story short, she jacks me off, or blows me, on day two while we watch porn on our bedroom tv. As I said, she loves sex. However, the porn she likes most is watching a woman masturbate.

This has both confused and excited me beyond belief. She claims to have no girl experiences in her past. I’m not sure what I’m asking here, but are any hetero women in the same kind of situation?

  1. Are you hoping for a threesome? Because I assume that’s why lies behind your post.

    What people are turned on by porn may have very little to do with what they want to experience in real life. I wouldn’t make anything of this but I also would say: if you want to ask her “hey, would you be interested in having sex with a woman?” then you should just ask her that.

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