I’m in highschool. All of my friends have been somewhat fake since freshmen year and suddenly in a groupchat of 10-20 girls i get confronted about being a sh!ttalker.

I don’t do that and i try to stay away from drama. The “sh!ttalking” they accused me of was actually me warning my friend about a girl who kept talking bad abt her (which i now understand isn’t my place to tell her).

It’s fine except for the part where i got kicked out of the homecoming groupchat and the girl that i warned my friend about was invited in replacement of me. I now sit alone in the library feeling humiliated. I would just make new friends except it’s a small school with only 100 people in my year. I have been trying to stay social still by talking to people next to me in class except now i have 0 friends.

What should i do? I also got accused of influencing the same girls eating dis0rd but i didn’t. I’m really sick and tired of all the false rumors and i hate feeling so alone

  1. Find friends outside of school. You don’t need fake friends, so you aren’t missing out on anything.

  2. “What other people think about me is none of my business.” Adopt that truth. Shoulders back, face forward. Be your best self.

    I promise you…those kids will not be anywhere near your successful future since you can focus on your studies instead of drama. 💖

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