I (25F) met my ex (26M) during our senior year of college. We dated for about five months, then broke up at the end of the school year. I was starting a corporate job in the city, and he was going to medical school in another state. We had both previously been scorned by long-distance relationships in the past, so we decided to end our relationship while we were still on good terms. I started my job, he went to school, that was that.

Or so I thought. It’s been three years since then, and even though we haven’t really talked in that time, I think about him a lot. I’ve gone on dates since then of course, but never really felt the spark that I did with him.

He visited my city last month, and asked if I wanted to catch up. I agreed, and honestly, it stirred up my feelings for him all over again. Conversation was easy, even after all this time. He loves his studies, has great friends, and really enjoys the new state. He even said he was looking to move further away for his residency (like, opposite coast). He also mentioned how he hasn’t dated anyone since me, and how he loved getting to reconnect with me. And I did too. It reminded me of all the reasons why I liked him so much before. We still have so much in common, he has such a bright and kindhearted personality, and of course he’s as handsome as ever. But it seems like he’s fully moved on with his life, and I doubt he thinks about me half as much as I do about him.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a wonderful job, friends, family, home…I love my life. But in the romance department, I’ve always felt like he’s the one that got away. Do I go after him, even though he now lives farther away? Or do I let him move on with his life and accept the fact that sometimes the good ones get away?

TL;DR – My ex and I ended things on good terms before he moved away. But I still have feelings for him, and it seems like he’s thriving in his new life. Do I try and rekindle our relationship or move on?

  1. You’d still be looking at an LDR though, right.?

    Rule #1. Don’t do LDRs. You were smart last time. Be smart again.

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