I mean this with regards to proximity basically. The run-down is that I commute to work by tram and I’ve started to notice the same woman always moving close to me.

I didn’t notice at first but then it got more obvious, such as standing directly in front of me whilst I wait for the tram, choosing the carriage I get in and even sitting next to me. Pretty repeatedly. I’m honestly lost on how to react.

  1. This depends what your goal is. If you want her to back off, just ask her to back up a little. If you want more closeness, that all depends.

  2. Maybe you make her feel safe? Idk where you’re located but my history with public transit generally puts me on my toes (homeless, druggies, etc.).

    Alternatively, I say you spark up a conversation and get a better feel for the individual. You won’t get any clarity by perpetuating your confusion.

  3. So you have been on this tram with her for long enough to recognize and notice how many times she gets near you and you haven’t said a word to her? No, hello? No good morning? No nice outfit?

  4. Hold my backpack on my lap with both arms crossed over it, and listen to my music and ignore her by gazing over the top of her head at a poster or something. Public transport 101

  5. she obviously finds you abhorrent, but as a pick-pocket, she still has to give it a try.

  6. I had something similar happen to me awhile back this girl use to get on the stop after me and get off the same stop as me after awhile notice she would look for me and sit next to me then a few months later we just started talk this when on for over a year. Then one day she stop getting the bus, strange thing is about 6 months later she started work in the company I work for and it was like seeing an old friend I did ask her about the the bus thing turns out she was scared of getting the bus seeing me every morning she felt safe sitting next to me, she said she didnt know what it was I gave off this vibe that she would be safe next to me !! then she passed her driving test thats why she stop getting the bus. We where good friends up until she left the company a few years ago after getting married and having a baby.

  7. Proximity is important. If she has other options on where to sit/stand and consistently chooses to be near you it’s most likely intentional. I agree with others here, smile at her etc. See what happens

  8. Well by now she knows you’re somewhat safe to sit next to, the only question is if it’s just that. You have nothing to lose by venturing a smile, making eye contact and small talk. You will at least get a vibe.

  9. Write a note and have it ready so that when she slowly gets closer you can inconspicuously take it out. This way you can have a grim determined look or squinty eyes or stare at your feet or whatever.

    note: HELLO. NICE *enter item*

    I think that will either spark a conversation or you turn into the quirkiest creep ever.

  10. I don’t mind people in my personal space much. As long as they are not angry or aggressive it’s cool.

  11. How do you want to react? Like, do you want something to happen or do you want her to stop.

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