How old were your parents when their first grandchild was born?

  1. I think my family is a little more spread apart than what I think would be the average.

    My grandma was born in 1912. My dad was born in 1942. I was born in 1984 and my dad’s first grandkid was born in 2002.

  2. My mom was 44 or 45. My oldest niece is 13 I think. My sister was in her 20s when she got married and had her first. My mom is 57 now.

  3. My parents had 6 kids with 5 of them being legal adults and none of us have a child yet. My parent are in their 50s so I’m going to assume maybe 60s is when they would be grandparents. Wow, in didn’t notice how old we all are.

  4. I can’t remember what year my niece was born, but I think Mom was about 60 at the time. Our father was long dead.

  5. I don’t have kids that I know of. I know Grandpa was 65 when I was born. Old goat is 88 now and still alive. Still yells at me to find a nice Jewish girl.

  6. This year my mother turned 59 this year and my brother had the first child out of me and my siblings.

    Funnily enough we now have my mom, me, and my baby niece who all share the same birthday.

  7. My grandparents were somewhere in their mid 40s when their first grandchild was born (my oldest cousin.) They were in their early 50s when I was born.

    I don’t have kids and probably won’t any time soon, so I figured this was the next best answer.

  8. My dad is dead (was 52 at the time), my step dad is 60, my mom is 55. First grandchild coming in January.

  9. My son is the first grandchild, my mom was 35. When he was born, I was 19

    And my grandmother my son’s great grandmother was 51

  10. Both were 41. Weird to think about since I’m 43 not married and no kids. Those grandkids are all older than my parents and siblings were they had kids. None of the grandkids have kids.

  11. My dad was 57 and my mom was 56 when my first kid was born.

    For comparison, my grandparents were 50, 51, 53, and 57 when I was born.

  12. My younger brother got his girlfriend pregnant when they were 19, and their daughter was born when my parents were 50.

    My wife and I didn’t have our first until I was 34, and my parents were 60.

  13. My parents were around 50 when they got their first “grandchild”.

    By “grandchild” I mean grandkitten. My mother refers to my two cats that way because I told her “this is as close to a grandchild as you are getting for many years.”

    My mom keeps bugging me about kids rn because this is the age she had them so her age is when her mom became a grandma.

  14. My oldest brother was born was my mom was 18, and he had a kid when he was 19. So my mom was 37 when she was a gramma, and my dad was 43.

  15. Naturally this site downvotes this person to hell for asking a valid question, because how *dare* they imply that people should have kids, despite them just trying to figure out how old the average grandparent is when they actually become a grandparent

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