This is for the men with the Hank Hill ass – what workouts can be done to accentuate the curvature that won’t look strange to do at the gym?

  1. Squats work. Look at baseball players, they squat all day and all look like they stapled a christmas ham to the small of their back.

  2. Squats are the best but they can cause joint issues if done improperly. Leg presses work as a good alternate compound exercise, and isolation through hip thrusts and bridges are also good

  3. straight legged bent over dead lift, squats, that machine you lay on your stomach and lift with your hamstring. that thing where you put your legs in and they held and then you bend at your waist down and up, works the lower back and upper ass. I do lots of ass stuff at the gym, and dont feel strange at all. I do the same shit the hot babes do, and we compare our asses with eachother too.

  4. Squats to parallel (if you don’t hit parallel, it doesn’t fully engage the glutes, so you *MUST* reach that point), Deadlifts, Romanian Deadlifts, maybe some sumo deadlifts for variety. That’s enough to give you a nice thicc butt. If you want to look a little weird, add in barbell hip thrusts, but that’s certainly overkill early on.

  5. Pro-tip: Don’t ask men with a Hank Hill ass this question.

    Squats. If you’re new than the low bar back squat has the most potential for overall improvement. People will tell you other movements target the ass more. Maybe as a percentage of total load, but there is just so much more room here for improvement that this is your best bet. Do three sets of five, three times per week, until you can’t keep adding 5 lbs. This should happen around 270-330 lbs.

    Eventually though, yes, Bulgarian split squats, front squats, and even just ATG back squats with your legs together will target your ass more. You’ll want an 8-12 rep range though.

    Conventional deadlifts. Haters will say it’s not the best way to target your glutes. Haters are technically right, but it’s a really good one and all future improvement will rest on you having a well developed back, hips, and legs that deadlifts form a base for. Also, it’s not like deadlifts are bad at hitting your glutes. Solid B tier movement for glutes. A+++ for body wide development that is necessary for future butt gains.

    Hip thrusts. These are maybe the best or second best movement after Bulgarian split squats. It’ll be a little bit embarrassing because women ego lift these like motherfucking crazy. Career bodybuilders will be putting as little as 225 on the bar. 4X world’s strongest man Brian Shaw pit 480 on the bar. Ego lifting small women with unimpressive bodies will put 3-4 plates on the bar and ego lift to the moon and back while making no progress. You may feel dumb putting a sensible amount of weight on the bar next to them, but real lifters will know that those women are just next level idiotic. Make sure you to research mind muscle connection and how to feel tension the whole way.

    I’d start with just the back squats for three sets of 5, 3 and times per week, plus a set of deadlifts or two. Maybe do some benching or lat pulldown when you’re done just to make sure your upper body isn’t left behind. As squats progress slows down, I’d add in hip thrusts for 8-12 reps twice per week on your first and third squat days. You’ll be pretty advanced before I’d recommend Bulgarian split squats. They’re just really hard to do, progress is slow, and they give their best results after you already have a strength base.

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