As you’ve seen in the title I think I’m a rebound from a girl.
This girl let’s call her jenny, Jenny was always in my class and ever since we met I had a crush on her, I tried making moves and sending messages but I always felt like she didn’t have interest in me, after 1-2 months she started dating someone else, needless to say I was devastated and tried as much as I could to forget her and move on with my life but
I was always her friend cause we still went to school together and stuff.

6 months later and she broke up with her boyfriend, she told me this as we went out with friends one day ( at this point I thought I had a chance so I dmd her ) the breakup was still recent so she told me she had no interest in dating me or dating at all ( this happened while we were on vacation ) school starts 1-2 months later and we started really talking well with each other, she would share personal stuff about how she was feeling and I would do the same ( i had already done this previously before school but she was still hot and cold when messaging or the attention she gave to me

I was getting mad but still kept pushing, going on dates and all that and eventually we started dating, she hasn’t talked to her ex. however she shared with me that they only stopped totally talking about 2 months ago and that she moved on. When deciding if I wanted to date her a friend of mine told me that if she broke up with her ex and immediately went to me ( implicating that I was never the first choice and that I might be a rebound ) is bad and I shouldn’t date her, the relationship is going well but we started dating from the time school started to today which is about 1 month so I can’t not think about this, I honestly don’t know what to think and I’m afraid to be a rebound since I don’t want to get hurt

TLDR: got friendzoned twice and now we are dating and I’m afraid she’s with me to rebound

  1. If she has moved on it’s not a rebound. Typically a rebound would have happened right after the break up and there being months of talking etc before dating while she was single, means to me that you aren’t a rebound.

  2. What are you doing to manage your insecurities and anxiety? This sounds like you aren’t ready to handle dating.

  3. Its ok to be a rebound if she isn’t using you in an unfair or malicious or dishonest way.

    You always risk getting hurt in relationships, the upside is worth it, as long as they aren’t too obviouslt unsafe (abusive etc.)

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