So I was at the airport, and the TSA agent had to do 5 double-takes to make sure I was the person in my license photo. I haven’t had it updated since I was 18 (I’m 40 now). I fly alot and I’ve never had someone take so long confirming my identity. Is it time to update my picture?

Just wondering how many 30+ year olds have updated and when?

  1. Man, what are you talking about? I have to get a new picture every four years when I renew my drivers license. What state are you in? And what’s the purpose of having an ID with your picture on it if it’s from 22 years ago?

  2. Are you from Arizona or Florida? I remember from my liquor store days that those licenses never expire. I saw a 40 year old man with a teenage photo once.

    My state makes me get a new license/photo every four years or so, so I don’t really have a choice.

  3. My state requires that I update my photo, first it was 5(?) years, then they went to 10 years(!) and now it is 14 years (!!)

  4. My parents and I moved to the US when I was 4. I got a green card then with my picture on it. I traveled extensively to Europe and back as I grew up with no problem. When I was in my early 30s, my parents and I went to Mexico for Christmas. When we came back the lady at Immigration yelled at me that I needed a new green card and scribbled all over it so I couldn’t use it again.

    Turns out you were supposed to get a new one when you turned 18.

  5. I believe my state requires a new photo every 10 years.

    I let my license lapse a few years ago, so online renewal was not an option. That required a new photo too.

  6. My pic is 15 years old and I have long hair and a beard now. I’m just waiting till they make me take a new pic and will keep renewing online until that day comes!! DMV sucks so if I don’t have to go there I won’t.

  7. My state makes you get a new picture every time you renew your license. Every 4 years. I can’t believe they’d let you walk around with a 20 year old picture as an ID.

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