Before I ( 26M ) did any cosmetic surgery, I would consider my physical attractiveness to be a 7/10, I was on the skinnier side and was short ( 5’7 or 170cm ). I’ve gotten a rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery as well as a limb lengthening surgery that helped increase my height from 5’7 to 5’11 / 170cm to 180cm. I also go the gym a lot and that helped me put on weight and became really fit.

I was quite happy with myself inside and out before ( still am ). To me, I view it as something similar to getting tattoos or removing a few moles, like an appearance enhancement but just on a larger scale.

I am extremely happy with the result, as I’ve had no complications and I became a lot more confident in myself, I do not regret having done it at all.

However, I am quite nervous to reveal this to the women I date, I’m afraid they will view me differently and potentially leave me afterwards.

So, redditors,

1. Would you date someone who’ve had cosmetic surgery?
2. When should I be revealing this information to my dates?
3. If me and my date were to get intimate before we become official / exclusive, should I tell her beforehand?
4. Does it matter if both parties have no desire to have children?

  1. 1. Yes
    2. When it comes up naturally
    3. Only if it comes up naturally
    4. This is irrelevant

    Follow up question, how big / noticeable are the scars? How was it adapting to walk with a few more inches? We’re you ever not able to walk?

  2. Why do you have to reveal it? Women wear fake shit 24/7 and don’t advertise it, you don’t owe anyone details about your surgeries.

  3. Now. How did you increase your height, was it painful, how much was it, where did you do it, does it look and feel natural and was it worth it?

    I wouldn’t mind being taller

  4. My most recent crush was on a girl with very noticeable nose surgery, I didn’t mind at all. found her really beautiful on the inside and the outside. Especially on the outside

  5. Why would you have to say anything, it’s a plastic world now you will fit right in lol

  6. If they view you differently after you tell them about your surgeries they ain’t the one. Which is a good thing actually.

  7. Yeah I feel like most women I talk to have had fillers, BBL’s, fat transfers, braces, skin treatments. It’s really just part of modernity.

    If you can put on and take off a woman’s faja, you can do bras with one hand without looking I’ve found.

  8. not sure, but paying money and risking health for minor shit such as body height is a red flag for me.

  9. 1. You don’t actually need to disclose the minutia of your body modifications to anyone
    2. Never, unless you’re asked directly
    3. No, unless specifically asked
    4. No. Wear a condom

  10. Nope, briefly dated a girl who did weight loss surgery. I was looking for long term and for having a family I would be getting biologically the “before” person

  11. 1) Ideally not.

    2) Everyone has their personal preference based on what’s normal and acceptable to them, but you should give them a chance to choose who they want to be with. I’d definitely want the person I’m dating to be transparent, so the sooner the better. You want the person you’re dating to want to be with you for who you are – both good and bad. If they don’t want to date someone who had cosmetic surgery, why waste your time with them?

    3) It’d be nice for the person to know beforehand.

    4) It still matters even if you don’t want children.

  12. Why not?

    Most of cosmetic surgeries doesn’t have long term problems if they are well performed. Being beautiful is not a privilege for people “who born beautiful”, everyone can have a nice looking body through cosmetic surgery, if you can afford it, that is the biggest problem.

    Most of people will appreciate you if you, don’t worry about this. If you are asked about it, just talk about it naturally.

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