I already feel we are a better fit together than me and my ex. My ex hated dogs (and I have a dog). New girl loves dogs and has one of her own. We are hanging this weekend and walking them together.

If you have been through a breakup recently, remember there is someone better waiting for you out there.

  1. Nice man I like hearing this, use your words comparison isn’t always great, new person new rules, keep it positive and be clear, don’t bring up the ex and enjoy the new!

  2. Depends how hard the recent breakup is. I’m taking a long time out from relationships. When I do meet someone I want to be fully healed and over the past.

  3. Nothing good ever comes out of anyone who is capable of hating dogs. So happy for your WIN! 🙂

  4. Maybe I’m strange, but I always found breakups relieving rather than painful.

    It’s fairly common that people are usually already on a downward spiral before the actual breakup. I don’t know why you’d want to stay that way, or at least for very long. Of course, the answer is complicated, because human feelings are complicated.

    Perhaps it’s fear that the joy you felt with this person can’t be found elsewhere. Regardless, congrats on proving to yourself that it’s possible.

  5. I am so glad for you. And thank you for the reminder that there is someone better waiting. I needed that after a recent hard breakup.

  6. Definitely something I needed to read. Recently went through a breakup with my ex of nearly 6 years, and she personally told me a few days ago she’s been seeing someone since early this month (we broke up mid August).
    While I know I’m not ready to meet someone new, it’s nice to know that there will always be a time after your ex 🙂

  7. This is how I felt after my breakup. I was more liberated than anything. It will always be a better match. Don’t be afraid to leave that toxic relationship folks

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