Would you date a woman who was physically larger (either height or weight) or stronger than you? Why or why not?

  1. Yes, isn’t that a whole meme thing about dating a dommy mommy?

    Either way, death by snu-snu is the only way to go.

  2. Height, sure. Weight, no.

    If you can look across the room and tell someone doesn’t take care of themselves or is chronically unhealthy, that’s a valid turn off for women. Goes the same way for us.

    Stronger than me, good luck. I can bench press 40 entire pounds.

  3. Yes, yes and yes.

    I don’t see why not.

    Aslong as I’m attracted to her (physically, mentally and emotionally), then we good to go.

  4. Sure. My dating history is actually about 50-50 for women taller or shorter than I am. I ended up married to someone smaller than me, but that wasn’t a requirement by any means.

    I think the range of what I find attractive is wider than a lot of men, plus I believe there’s always something to be attracted to even if it isn’t an “apperance first” situation. One woman was one of the funniest people I’ve ever known and was genuinely kind in a way that made her magnetic to be around. If a person like that comes in a body that’s bigger than mine I’m still into it.

  5. As a guy who’s 5’1… I don’t really have another option 🤣. Yes to all questions regardless of that fact though. My girlfriend is twice my size and five inches taller, just means more to love on

  6. I’m a roided out BMI 30+ man.

    Not against muscular women, but the one you’re describing is an actual freak so no. Not really looking to date fetish material.

    However, I know of a couple who makes a really good image of this working. Everyone knows the classic tale of the gym bro who brings his non-lifting new gf into the gym. I met the gender reversed version. She’s an accomplished powerlifter and he is a new lifter.

    First time I saw them, I thought he was her coach. Wasn’t being sexist. He had a track shit on and was shouting things all coach like. She was lifting in response to him. Last time I saw them, I got to know him because I asked for a bench spot. He talked about her and when I said coach, he laughed and said it was more like he’s her hype man.

    Might sound weird but I’ve gotta tell you, the hype was real. Dude was not only the perfect spotter, but he really seems like he wants to see your lift go up more than you do and he’s extremely happy and congratulatory. Having him as a spotter adds two reps to your set, I swear. I never thought I’d say this, but I can totally understand why some chick decided to date this comparatively weak guy and bring him to the gym. It’s a weird role for a man to have, but he is very qualified.

  7. I’ve dated women who were taller than me, and it’s no problem.

    But as far as being heavier or stronger than me, well, I’m 225lbs, and can bench 225, squat 300 and deadlift 350 for reps, so that’s going to be tough to find in a woman.

    It’s not impossible, but that’s a husky fuckin gal.

  8. I’m 6’0. I’m not particularly interested in dating a woman who is physically larger in height than me. A little bit taller is fine. If she’s really the one, then it’s fine if she’s taller than that. I don’t care about weight as long it’s appropriate for her height. I’d prefer to be stronger, but if she’s stronger somehow without being too muscular that’s fine.

    Why? The same reason it’s better for dancing when the lead is stronger and taller.

  9. Yes – height is no biggie, dated a 6’3 volleyball player

    NO – I weigh 205

    Maybe – sadly a lady who was stronger than me would be a power lifter type. I do not find ladies with overly developed muscles attractive. Toned yes, butch no!

  10. Yes.

    I’m not attracted to small/weak women.

    Plenty of men want strong/tall/heavy women, despite what lots of people say, but finding actually big/strong women is hard.

    I’ve trained in multiple gyms and most women don’t train for size/strength, especially taller ones, 😢.

  11. Taller? Not likely as I’m 6’0″ so any Taller than me is pretty fuckin tall for a woman

    Bigger/weigh more? Totally, because I’m skinny, but not to an unreasonable extent

  12. I saw this girl at the gym yesterday evening around 9
    She had the prettiest face, insane glutes, fake boobs and tbh she had bigger arms than me without being in the bodybuilder territoty.

    You have no idea how much I wanted that woman at the time.

  13. Height, yes.

    Weight, yes, if she’s proportionate.

    Strength: She’d have to be really, unusally strong if she’s stronger than me because then it would influence her other attributes, because if she looks buff and hench, then I simply don’t find that attractive. More power to her, but not my type.

    And no, I’m not insecure. If a girl is stronger than me or physically superior to me in any way, it just motivates me to try harder at the gym.

  14. I’m kinda small in stature so every woman I’ve dated has been my height or taller and every one has been heavier. Up to 100lbs heavier than me. It will only be a problem if it’s a mobility or health issue.

  15. I’m 6’3″ 240lbs, SBD I’ve got an 1100lb+ total, I’m a tall, heavy, strong guy.

    So to answer your question; Taller, yes, heavier yes…

    Stronger? FUCK YES. if she’s stronger than me she’s at pro athlete levels and that’s dope as Fuck, I will show up to every meet/ game/event and hold up signs and shit. I’ll bring pompoms and start a cheerleading section.

  16. Sure.

    If she weights more than me there’s more to cuddle, if she’s stronger than me it makes home improvement projects easier, and if she’s taller than me she can reach the smoke alarms when they chirp or the top shelf.

    Personally I like chubby women, there’s just something about the curves and overall soft appearance that attracts me.

  17. I wouldn’t mind dating someone taller or someone who weighed more. My ex girlfriend weighed more than me but wasn’t obese by any means. She was curvy while I’m a slim long distance runner/rock climber so it doesn’t take much to weigh more than me.

  18. I’m a short king but even I occasionally need a big strong woman to reach the higher shelves at the supermarket

  19. I’m just gonna insert my interpretation of a strong woman, and the answer is abso-fucking-lutely. I LOVE strong women, I find them extremely attractive.

  20. Larger I wouldn’t necessarily mind. I really like curvy women. I weigh 67 kilos (150 pounds) and am a naturally slim guy. Most women who are a bit on the bigger side will probably weigh more than me.

    For height I don’t really have a preference.

  21. I’m 5’6 and ~160 lbs on a cut, ~175 on a bulk.

    She was about my size except way wider. I’m fine with that. 🧡

  22. My ex GF was 6’3″ and over 200 pounds, while I’m only 5’9″ and about 180 pounds. Sometimes, she joked that she could beat my ass. As someone who likes my women taller than average, I would definitely do it again. I also wouldn’t be opposed to dating a woman stronger than me. Though considering how much I lift weights, she’d have to be ridiculously strong for a woman in order to be stronger than me.

  23. Honestly any man that is comfortable with his masculinity would be fine with a woman larger than him. Personally I absolutely love tall women. And if a women was physically stronger than I am, I would be thoroughly impressed

  24. Absolutely. A hug/cuddle session from a rail-thin girl just doesn’t feel as warm and comforting as a girl with a few extra pounds.

    I believe it was the Buddha who once said, “Thick thighs save lives”. Words of wisdom.

  25. Dated a woman who was slightly taller and weighed much more than me. Had no problems with it. Honestly our sexual compatability was off the charts. Her sexual stamina was crazy. We could only hook up like once a week but we would go at it for like 4 to 6 hours. It was great.

  26. Yes. I would. Taller, heavier, stronger, faster, whatever. The most important things for me would be communication skills, and compatible personalities.

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