I tried online dating, tried meeting people in person during activities where it’s obvious from the beginning that we share common interests, etc. Nothing works. Just feels like nobody has any interest in me and if I ever did find someone, I’d have to settle and be with a person I’m not attracted to. Very frustrating. How has it been lately for others on here?

  1. Yeah, dating is rough. Moreso these days, I feel like folks just don’t know how to communicate anymore. People don’t know what they want, or if they do then they don’t know how to communicate that. So many folks with baggage, so many people with bitterness, so much anxiety. Lots of folks with deeply rooted personal issues. As a social, well-adjusted person, I find all of this very tiring, but as a hopeless romantic I persist.

  2. Curious which part of the process are losing them? No matches? Is it when you ask for the number? Are you only getting first dates?

  3. Dating rn is a mess! The one frustrating thing I’ve come across is actually having interest but then the guy never makes the effort to plan a date!! Like tf especially the first date – they’re okay with just being digital pen pals. If he can’t plan a first date then what makes me want to take him at all seriously. I cut them off – blocked and deleted.

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