Hi I’m 21 f and I’m a virgin(had my first kiss at 4 and that was it, I’ve never held hand with a man )
I’m really craving affection and I’m sorry for the vulgarness but horny, I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship( went through a talking phase and it sucked cause I felt suffocated like I had to constantly text him which I don’t have time for) I have a friend that I’m think I’m ready to have sex with, he’s been with 5 people so he has some experience. I told him about wanting to be fwb and if he could wait till January(after his exams) to do so but now he’s saying that it’s too far and to have so sooner.
I want my first time to be with somebody I know and feel safe with. Perhaps I’m pushing it too far cause I’m afraid I’ll lose a big part of me.
I wanted it to be with someone I love and in a relationship but I’m not ready for love as I feel like I can’t be. But I crave affection so what should I do?

Sorry if this is all over the place.

  1. Understandable, but I think you should find someone who you love and he loves you back and besides first time is memorable so be careful

    Don’t take this advice I’m a virgin idiot 🤣🤣

  2. I think go for it! As long as it is with someone you care about and they care about you have fun. I waited until I was “in love” it was puppy love. But we still had a solid friendship after I don’t regret anything. Even tho he was dumb and chose someone else over me. He knew I was the one that got away. He apologized for it years later and had a heart to heart about what he went thro the time I wasn’t in his life. The only reason why I never regretted losing my virginity to him is because at the time we had great respect and love for each other. The care for each other’s wellbeing was strong. It made my first time great cause he was also more experienced. So based off that I’d go with your friend you guys obviously care about each other enough without string attached is even better. Good luck! Make sure you’re warmed up foreplay at least 15-20 minutes. Honestly long enough for you to orgasm before he tries to put it in. You can play with his in between to keep him hard. It’s fun and makes it more enjoyable.

  3. Look I’m a virgin myself with no experience and nothing and I crave affection and love just as much as you probably do but no way in hell I’d give my first time to someone I don’t know let alone someone that can’t wait until I feel ready and since your a woman it’s even worse. I’d say fuck that guy for saying he can’t keep his dick in his pants for a month more. Look for someone else or wait until you find someone you’d be comfortable with who isn’t a dickhead. It’s your choice of course but from my perspective I think you’ll regret it.

  4. It’s all truly up too you but if you guys are planning to be fwb, why postpone it for that long. Remember he’s also human so if he thinks he’s just getting strung along he might lose interest. Also it doesn’t help if he knows that your interested, it might just make it worse because it starts to seem like your playing games. Then again it’s your virginity so do what you like but in my experience you don’t lose yourself just because u have sex. Maybe im not one to speak but I lost mine to a hooker. Nothing changed other than knowing its not the most important thing in life

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