Thats a question bugging my mind. Chitchats or more serious ones. In the gym, in the market, or somewhere else. Would it change the way I am a year later, if I talk or meet with 10 New different person every day? And what would change? I’m not introverted at all, would it change anything on me?

I feel like it would be a huge stepping up for rest of my life. What do you guys think?

  1. Don’t make it a goal to talk to X amount of people per day. That might make you desperate to talk to anyone and everyone if you haven’t hit that goal for the day yet. Just make the conscious decision to be more talkative to people when you actually have something to say. Sometimes you can reflect to a conversation (or the lack of one) and figure out what you could’ve said that you didn’t say in the moment because you are not quick witted enough.

  2. Yes it would. But the key here is you need to work on HOW those interactions look. I’m not assuming you’re awkward necessarily, but there are some things in this article especially toward the end re: ‘amping up your social energy’ etc that you should keep in mind as you do these conversations:

    ###[Can Awkwardness Be Cured?](

    And yes, this is how you (or anyone) can get a LOT of great practice every day simply by being intentional every day.

  3. In the least, you’ll be more comfortable talking to people. You won’t have as much anxiety starting conversations. For me, I find it lifts my mood. Plus you’ll get interesting stories you can use in conversation. “I was talking to the person in front of me in line at blah blah, and she said [interesting story].”

    You won’t necessarily make friends this way which is fine. Friends usually come through repetition, shared interests, shared mindsets, and shared experiences.

  4. I guess you would learn more and maybe increase your chances of having new friends and professional partnerships

  5. My therapist once suggested this as an exercise to get over my social anxiety. She said just make an effort to strike up conversations with people. Try to do it with about 5 people but don’t stress over it if you don’t get to five. And don’t try to talk to people who are obviously busy or seem angry or unfriendly. I didn’t do it because I’m a coward. But given that a therapist recommended it, it probably wouldn’t hurt.

  6. I once heard in a lecture that if you go on a pilgrimage, you don’t return the same person. The emphasis was more on the social asepct than the religious (insofar there’s a distinction between the two).

    People vary drastically not just in how they judge, but in how they see things, and in what things they see.

    What you feel is correct; talking to different people regularly will improve you radically. You’ll very likely discover how thematically similar and how terribly complicated people’s lives are, and how we pay for every little decision we make.

  7. Drive Rideshare and you’ll hit this number a day easy! Driving rideshare like Uber and Lyft are great for meeting new people that you’ll probably never meet again and you’ll have interesting conversations along the way. Sometimes. 😂 Sometimes people just don’t want to interact. It’s a balance and being able to read the social cues helps.

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