My boyfriend claims that ALL men watch porn, even if they’re in a relationship. I’m not hating on it, just curious.

Edit: do you still feel the need to watch it if you have their nudes?

  1. Because my partner works 12-shifts, 4 days on, 4 days off. That’s too long to wait in between.

    Why porn? Simply, I’m not able to imagine anything well so I need a quick visual.

  2. Definitely. No two people’s libidos match up all the time.

    We’re also getting older, and stuff hurts. It’s just not going to happen every day for us. Porn/masturbation is a pretty low-intensity way for us to make sure we’re not on edge or irritable.

  3. You boyfriend’s wrong, it’s probably more like 90%. There’s definitely a minority of men that don’t for a wide array of reasons.

    Personally I have a much higher sex drive than my wife and I’d rather just have sex when she wants to and look at porn the rest of the time. We have a very happy marriage and much of that is down to being considerate of each others needs and boundaries. She’s pretty supportive of my sexuality even when she’s not in the mood herself.

  4. No. I don’t like it. It is boring to me now. When I was younger I did in relationships a little bit mostly just when single.

  5. I’m not in a relationship and I don’t watch porn. I use to see nothing wrong with it but at this point I don’t really see a reason to advocate for it.

  6. I’ve only officially been married for 7 weeks but no – don’t watch porn. Heck since I met my wife i didn’t need to bother with porn because the real thing is so much better

  7. No, my sexual energy is valuable and I wouldn’t waste it on something like that, rather it be reserved for the person I’m in love with. Try busting a nut to porn and having sex immediately after

    Real life > pixels on a screen

  8. Stopped watching completely it once i got in a relationship and was taking breaks even before that, idk why but i feel weird watching it and it just feels wrong when you love your girl

  9. Nope. 100% stop. I used to. It was killing my relationship in ways I didn’t even realize until I stopped. Since stopping my relationship is like night and day different. I deleted all social media, left any NSFW subs. It feels like chains have been lifted off of me.

    I workout more. I read more. I’m learning to speak Spanish. My life has improved in so many ways it’s insane. My emotional regulation is better. I’m happier. I can focus more.

    Even if I were to no longer be in a relationship I would never return to porn.

  10. I used to, and my wife did not care, but since I quit, made a big positive impact on my life as a whole.

  11. No. Maybe other guys don’t have this issue but if I start thinking about it, it’s hard to stop. The stats on Monogamy are shit enough as it is I’m not trying to handicap myself

  12. I jerk off to my memories with my partner. Used to watch porn, but I found that it made sex with her way less erotic as it is if I’m only beating off once or twice a week to memories.

  13. It depends. I dated this girl that wasn’t really good in bed, and I started watching some porn. She didn’t mind at all, but I felt kinda dirtly.

    There was this chick who wanted me to watch porn with her, but IMO that was just hella awkward so I’d turn it off and just make love to her instead.

    I’ve never really had to watch porn when the chick was very good in bed. If I ever got cravings, I’d just ask myself: “Wtf are you doing? Just call your girl!”

    Watching porn lowers your libido, and it makes you drowsy and lazy. That should be enough to be pissed off on its own, since that’s libido that should in essence go to you. OTOH it could also be a message to up your game in bed.

  14. Never been with a girl, but every time I fall for a girl I literally can’t watch porn, or even masturbate. It’s a mental thing because of how hard I fall. It’s not even like a decision, it becomes difficult for me to get hard. And thinking about her is just not enough, plus it feels weird because of the respect I have.

  15. No, it’s gross to me now, overall has a lot of regret every time when I did and impacts your relationships even if you don’t notice at first

  16. My answer is going to be very unpopular.

    No. I don’t watch porn. I’ve successfully quit watching for a few years. It’s not something that crosses my mind nowadays. It’s just not a necessity anymore.

  17. I usually don’t for two reasons:
    1-real sex feels better. Porn can get weird or unrealistic.
    2- discipline. If I can’t stop my hands from opening pornhub first thing in the morning like a teenager, what control do I have over my brain?

    HOWEVER If I’m in a relationship, I sometimes record sex with my gf. That’s more for curiosity and to share with each others, and I occasionally masturbate on those if gf is far away.

  18. I haven’t watched porn since I was a teenager. I have no moral objection to it except when exploitation is involved; it just did nothing for me. I’m not wired to feel attraction except when a woman means a helluva lot to me. So, no, not “everyone else does it”, which is a lame excuse anyway imho.

  19. Dating someone with a porn addiction sucks, like yeah it’s normal but doesn’t have to be.. so many men in denial and ruining their girls self esteem /: just for a nut

  20. I gave up porn for my ex. Didn’t miss it and made me desire her more. So there are upsides and I understand why some women hate it.

  21. I’ve decided to stay in my mind rather than watch other people because it changes what your attracted to… I noticed somewhere along the way I stopped fantasizing about actually having sex and just fantasized about watching people have sex and I attributed that to watching too much porn.

    I found that it was harder to stay present during sex because of this. So I gave it up. Took about 5 or 6 months but back to normal. I found it was worth it because I want to enjoy the real thing more than firing up digital media.

  22. For all the bros out there. Watching p*rn to calm yourself down or just to get ideas is NOT a good idea. Especially if you’re in a relationship. Nothing good comes from that but problems in the bed.

  23. Nah. My girlfriend told me it made her uncomfortable and was pretty respectful about the whole thing and didn’t get crazy about it. So I tried out life without it. It’s actually great but mostly because she’s almost always down to clown and so am I.

    I wouldnt buy into it that much if he does though. If he has consistent (Consistent is important here) problems getting it up/keeping it up/ finishing with you, or if your drives don’t match up then it would be time to have the convo about it from a different perspective than “I don’t like you looking at it”.

  24. Not while in a relationship, no. Whoever I’m with becomes much more attractive than anything else

  25. I never felt right watching it and usually felt shame afterward. Now that I’ve gone years without watching it, I feel disgusted by the fact that I ever did. My life has been much better without it.

  26. My bf and I had an argument last night bc we haven’t had sex in almost 2 months but I can clearly tell he jacks off/watches porn. He gets mad when I try to see what the deal is so we can fix it. He tells me he’s not been in the mood and he’s not happy with the weight he’s put on but yet I know he watches porn/jacks off and will lie about it. I can’t bring that up either bc he will get mad. I just wish he would tell me what’s wrong with me. I’m not old, fat or ugly…I don’t understand men.

  27. I used to watch it but not anymore. My partner works away so I used to watch it when she worked away but now I never watch it for my own benefit because it’s addictive and not my body and mind is a lot more sensitive without it

  28. Huge respect for all of my fellow men who saves everything related to sex for their partner.

  29. Honestly when I was in a relationship I had no interest in porn. I’ve watched way too much porn so when I finally got something real I saw no reason to go back. If anything id rather look pictures of my SO or use my imagination if need to masturbate

  30. I might be in a minority but I lost all interest in porn after I started a relationship with my GF. I tried watching it and it sort of felt very wrong so I didn’t get aroused.

  31. I don’t. I think it hurts the marriage, puts more pressure on my spouse to aspire to unrealistic expectations, hurts intimacy, and diminishes what should only be between partners. It’s taken a long time to get here, and I fought dependency with porn for a long time.

  32. Married. I don’t watch porn. Never have. I think the porn industry is disgusting. I view consuming porn as being unfaithful. Why would I want my wife to feel like she’s being compared to some porn actress every time we’re together?

  33. I quit watching porn and I never been happier and fulfilled with my wife .
    So yes watching a lot of adult content can mess with your relationship. Getting too used to pixels for pleasure might leave you less satisfied with your real-life partner.

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