i’m normally not that anxious or nervous but this one girl i think she likes me idk. we keep looking at each other in class and smiling (maybe i’m overthinking) but for like 2 weeks straight i can’t build up the courage. i had 3 god given opportunities today to do it, but i blew it and chickened out. f me man. idk what to do, like no fap and self improvement im on but i can’t do it. i never asked a girl out before so…

  1. If you are in uni and you know her name, you can send her an email through her name and ask her number that way. But you should really just go up there and ask her number.

  2. You don’t. You’ve never even spoken to this girl. Asking for her number would be skipping several steps!

    1. So you’ve looked at each other and smiled – awesome! That’s a good first step.
    2. Next step would be to actually introduce yourself to her. Maybe start by saying hi. Give her your name, you know?
    3. If she responds well to that, next step is to have several casual conversations, about the weather and homework and shit, spread out over several days. Just to show that you’re not some weirdo lurking in the hallway watching her.
    4. If she enjoys the casual conversations, next step would be to actually get to know her. Progress the casual conversation to conversation about your personalities, interests, longer talks in general. Again, do this for several days.
    5. If she enjoys the longer talks and you think she might enjoy talking with you outside of school, *then* would be a good time to ask for her number and/or add her on social media.

    But right now you’re at step 1. Don’t jump all the way to step 5.


    Also, presumably you are a school-going teenager? Don’t do the no fap thing. That’s particularly unhealthy for a teenager.

  3. This is a tough question to answer, but I’ll take a stab at it.

    1) You find a girl that you think is attractive

    2) You walk up to her with a nice big smile on your face.

    3) You ask for her number.

    4) 99% brutal rejection

    5) Realize it’s not a big deal, try again

  4. Monty Python has a great quote I like to remember when I get nerves speaking to a girl.

    “What have you got to lose y’know, You come from nothing, you’re going back to nothing. What have you lost? NOTHING!!!”

    You don’t know this girl, you hardly speak to her by all accounts, if she says no, what have you lost? That’s right, nothing! Anything more than that is a positive result!

    I always found it harder to ask a girl out I actually regularly spoke to than people I hardly knew.

  5. You must talk with her and then after a fairly long conversation where you make plans to do something else you naturally exchange information so you can meet up / communicate about the meet up.

    So talk. Suggest coffee or studying or whatever together. Or a hobby you share or something social.

  6. It may be easier to go up and talk to her first, and get to know one another. Use the class that you have together as an easy ice-breaker.

    Then ask for like socials or her number once you have the ball rolling.

  7. First you start by trying to start a conversation, just start by saying high, and if she refuses to acknowledge you, or just has that disgusted look you don’t bother wasting more time. I get that 100% of the time.
    But if you not ugly as hell like me, and she responds back you continue to work up a conversation and after a few weeks or so if all’s going well, then you can try and ask for her number.

  8. Make her laugh and feel comfortable first. Then if it’s going well ask if you can contact her somehow. Diff apps might be preferred like Snapchat or fb messenger.

  9. >like no fap and self improvement

    **Please** tell me you aren’t getting self improvement tips off the internet.

    Also, jack off. If it’s an actual problem, if you’re late to things, if you can’t be in a shopping mall for more than an hour or two because those slutty mannequins in the Victoria’s Secret make you have to crank one out in the bathroom, if can’t have sex because your partner’s a living breathing human in front of you and not a screen with nudity then okay, yes, fine, stop cranking it and stop watching porn.

    If you’re jacking it a couple times a week, you’re fine.

  10. just go up to her. if ur in the same class, mention something about the lesson or some bs like that. Just need something to open up the convo after you say hi how are you? then just ask for her number. What’s the worst case scenario, even if you get rejected you’ll realise that the fear of rejection is just in your head and by actually talking to girls even with the fear, you’ll overcome it.

  11. I think one of the best things I’ve heard is “Embarrassment of rejection lasts only a moment, but the regret of what could’ve been can last a lifetime.” Approach her and create some small talk and simply ask for her number. The worst that can happen is she says no and you have experience of rejection. After some time this builds confidence and expecting no but the potential for a yes. Everyone should experience rejection, it builds character.

  12. Don’t ask for her number. Give her yours!!!

    Same process though. Spark up a conversation. Let her know you’d like to get to know her. Give her your number and bounce.

    If she was feeling you, she’ll reach out.

    Doing it this way takes the pressure off of her and it also spares you the potential embarrassment.

  13. I’m not a guy, but feel like this would be better to ask women about because there are ways of doing it without coming off as creepy

  14. I never asked for their numbers. I just introduce myself tell them what my first impression of them were and hand them a note with my number. If they’re interested, they’d call me. Worked pretty well.

  15. “Hey, my name is _____, I find you very attractive and it would be amazing if I could get your name and number”

  16. What has worked for me in being a young adult over the few years is being able to first accept rejection like a champ but at the same time not over thinking about approaching one like just be yourself you know what I mean. Having a sense of humor has its perks honestly so being funny is already a point on the scoreboard and mate it’s smooth sailing from there always remember the ball is in your court.

    EDIT: I am drunk so hopefully this all makes sense

  17. You need her to hit you with her car and suggest if she takes you on a date you don’t need to get insurance involved

  18. Why not just hand her your number? I’ve done it in the past and it worked. I also think it’s better this way because if she wants to call or text you she will. She isn’t being put on the spot and has to give an answer right away.. which sometimes might end up being a no when it could have been a yes. It depends on the situation and environment.

  19. Poke her on the forehead, look her in the eyes, and say nevermind. It works .01% of the time.

  20. Just like you wrote it. Walk up and ask if they are with someone. If not ask if you may take them out sometime. And ask for the number to set everything up.

  21. Ok since the top comments are asking for her number you CAN do that. But I personally feel I had a better success rate at trying to find something you can compliment her on first and try to start a small conversation then ask

  22. Approach her and say something friendly like I like your shirt, what’s your name? Introduce yourself as well. Making her laugh is a bonus. Don’t avoid the small talk, its important.

    Once you talk to her for a minute or two preface the question with an activity, like I’m going out this weekend it would be cool if you came, can I get your number? Rather than just saying can I have your phone number


    And if she says no don’t take it personally. It really depends on if they want to talk to you or not, and she may not.

  23. Don’t.
    Step 1. Spot girl
    Step 2. Approach with big bag.
    Step 2a. If she plays hard to get. Bonk with big stick.
    Step 3. Drag her back to your cave to live happily ever after

  24. Use the left stick to move, the right stick to control the camera, and wait for the triangle prompt to appear. Press triangle and make conversation choices.

  25. Hoenstly I don’t really think you can ask for a girl’s number anymore without sounding creepy. I think you have to ask for her snap or insta.

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