Hello, I need some advice on how to find friends that are both open to some more „intellectual“ activities (like theater or the opera) and also like to go to a football/”soccer” games where we insult the mothers of the other fans?

I‘m into both, but my football friend group isn’t down for theater and it’s harder to find friends at the theater

  1. You don’t. Instead you upgrade your theatre-friend getting strategies and enjoy the benefits of having multiple friendship networks.

    The more people you know, the better odds of finding people into both but if you never do, at least you gain more cool friends.

    To find theatre friends, look into activities that are theatre-adjacent. That could be anything from volunteer work at the theatre, building props, costumes, designing advertising, helping promotion, fundraising or being an usher, or front of house bartender during breaks. You will meet people who are so into theatre that they volunteer their time to support it.

    You can find theatre related groups on social media, or start one. Maybe a group that meets for dinner before a show, or goes to a specific club or pub for an after party. Options.

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