Does your SO pay for the flights, and you pay for the accommodations or is it equally divided?

  1. Splitting 50:50 is what I always did, but I’ve always dated people in a similar income range. If one of us earned significantly more than the other I’d expect the higher earner to pay for travel and accommodation.

  2. All of our money comes out of one pot. We are in this crazy life together, we don’t nickel and dime our way through expenses.

    I do understand others who choose to protect themselves with more separation though.

  3. I would LOVE to but nope, I pay for every single things, it’s a miracle when he’s paying just one thing.

    So what I pay is : accommodation, taxi, hobbies, groceries, restaurant and whatever we can come to do, sometimes flight tickets, any possible immigration’s problem.

    What he pays is flight tickets or nothing.

  4. We use a shared credit card, and use that for most things!

    If there are larger purchases that is on a personal credit card then we put it in splitwise to share.

    But we aren’t fickle that it’s 100% split 50/50. Most of the time we just alternate paying for things here and there and it probably comes close to being 50/50.

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