Your hometown is a D&D dungeon. What location is best suited for adventures to brave? What monsters await them?

  1. Indianapolis? Eh it is like the starter level where everyone is pretty nice and you just earn xp by interacting with people.

    Like bards probably level up well there.

  2. The old revolutionary fort and battlefield and the old revolution era jail. The monsters are the ghosts of the dead brits. The boss is the founder of the town. He was a loyalist, faithful to the brits. The townspeople were not and ran him and his family out of his own town. He fled to canada. He waited a few years before returning to the town where the townspeople were still pissed and dragged him out of his home and hanged him from the gallows at the jail. Hes gonna return for vengeance

  3. The Moose home to the demon king of greed.
    IRL it just a road side restaurant but the guy who owns it is an asshole.

  4. You’ll probably find yourself on the subway fighting the irate and ill tempered cousins of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

  5. Hometown? Tryna casually dox people, Hoosy?

    Childhood hometown probably the lake. It was man made and gross as all hell. Just constant foamy green water. Safe enough to swim in, just looked nasty. Who knows what naga are lying in wait down there.

    Hometown of youth to adulthood, valley foothills out on the forest roads. Half the time it’s state land and half the time it’s hick-home, and there’s no way to distinguish aside from weather beaten trespass signs and the occasional click click of grandaddy’s Remington.

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