Hear me out. I love painting my nails but I keep them short and paint them different colors and match them to my toes. I’ll ask my bf to choose a color every once in a while. His stance is so long as they are clean he doesn’t care (usually likes the lighter colors) but it made me wonder: what are some of y’all’s opinions on painted toes? Do you like the light colors? Dark colors? Bright colors? Or just clean no fuss?

Do you look at ladies toes at all when you do the check out look up and down glance? Is it important to you if her toes look clean and taken care of? Painted etc? Something that gets factored in?

  1. I could not care less if you paint your toes or not. Clean, sure, don’t have like 3 years of toejam going on, but that’s just normal.

  2. I care less about toes than I care about finger nails.

    It matters not at all if her toenails are painted. Clean feet and not all cracked and dry looking are better, but if a busted dirty foot has a painted nail, it’s like lipstick on a pig.

  3. The problem is mostly the long nails, all that’s missing is sword whooshing sounds everytime the hand moves.

  4. If it makes you happy, great.

    I have never checked out anyone’s toes, had an opinion about toenail polish, or spoken to any guy who did either.

  5. I weirdly find painted toe nails hot, painted fingernails are fine, just don’t go crazy with it. Those stick on ones are just dumb.

  6. I love painted nails. And naturally bit long
    Is ok. But fake long ones prevent you from typing and other things is gross.

  7. I’m one of the depraved; I like feet. Please paint them, make them cute, and let me suck them and lick between the toes.

  8. Sure. Awesome.

    If fingernails aren’t overly long, with intricate details and that stupid extensions, it’s fine.

  9. I think it depends on your skin tone. Black and red go well with pale skin, while teal looks good on brown skin, and white and purple look good on black skin.

    It’s not too important though. As long as they are soft and clean, most men will happily put your feet on their faces.

  10. I’m probably gonna suck on them toes later on so yeah of course I’m gonna check them out

  11. I actually don’t care if nails in general are painted or not, I just feel like painted toe nails are a waste of time, money and effort if they are tucked away in your shoes all day, only for you see them for a very limited time a day, and maybe your boyfriend to if he notice it.

  12. As long as toe nails don’t look gross or unkept they are going to end up in the same place, my mouth.

  13. I don’t mind nail polish at all but I do hate overly long nails. It just looks stupid and nasty.

  14. Painting nails is no problem. It’s when your fake nails make it look like you can’t wipe your own ass.

  15. Painted nails are great if they aren’t too long tbh

    I have a friend who’s into nail art and it’s pretty dope

    As for painted toenails, eh they’re less appealing but I don’t have an issue with them, no worse than plain toenails

  16. No, we don’t care about your painted toenails either. We care if your feet/toes aren’t clean and nails trimmed. That’s it, that’s the extent of it.

    Your attitude enhances your appearance to us more than anything. You could have rolled out of bed, not showered, sweatshirt hanging off you, and wearing one of his socks, and if you say “good morning sweetheart, I’ll go start the coffee while you have your shower” with a sweet loving tone (and we can tell when you don’t mean it btw) because you love your man… THAT is unbelievably attractive and off the charts endearing.

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