I (25 M) have been on dating apps for 7 years now and the only relationship that came from them ended in me being cheated on and abused. Women don’t approach me or show interest irl either. I keep seeing success stories of people who have difficulty dating in the US going abroad and I’m thinking it may be the way to go. If anything, maybe it would be nice to go visit a foreign country and travel.

I’m aware this is a contentious topic and I’m probably gonna get some hate for it. If I’m going to be honest, I think I have a lot to offer but I guess I’m not what American women want.

  1. If I ever did the passport bro thing, I’d probably do it in Columbia. The women have hot accents and usually are beautiful with big butts and boobs.

    If you bring them back over here and you have a lot of assets to protect, make sure you get a prenup. If you have no assets, then you can get married with no worry. Keep the woman away from other women that try to talk to her. That is a warning and I’ve seen a friend make that mistake and it didn’t go well.

  2. I live between Europe and Japan And I’m Filipino-American.

    Women here in Europe randomly chat with me and are more open to learning cultures and speak 2-3 Languages(If you like that sort of thing). They don’t do the “What do you do for a living, I’m not dating you coz you support x group”

    That goes for anywhere though. If you are a Foreigner from a certain country, you’ll have a good amount of women finding you intriguing.

    Right now I’m dating a French Woman but dated a Brit, Morrocan, Romanian and Italian prior. All were So nice and Had Personality.

  3. DISCLAIMER: not from the US so not aware of the whole scenario in your country.

    I don’t share the idea of going abroad exclusively to find a relationship. You might find one-night-onlys, but for proper relationships is risky. Especially because you go there with expectations, and what if those are not met?
    My now-GF moved to my country to study, we just happened to have had a curricular internship in the same place despite being from different Unis. But she’s from a very different place than my country, and now that she’s going back home for a while I dunno how it’s gonna be.

    But tldr; if you wanna travel abroad, do so for your pleasure and relax. Don’t necessarily go “hunting” for a gf just because you can’t find one at home.

  4. You’re leaving the country to meet women? To me it sounds like you watch too many manosphere clips on IG.

    >Women don’t approach me

    They don’t approach many men. That’s your job. Do you ever do it? If you want to move to Asia to find a girlfriend, good luck to you, but if you’re expecting to sit there and have women fall in your lap, you might be disappointed.

  5. No women won’t approach you dude, they want you to make the move and show confidence in yourself. That won’t change because you’re in another country, women everywhere want a man who is confident in himself.

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