As title says.
When I (25M) meet other guys through work, study, etc.. that I want to get to know better and start a friendship with, I always freeze up on the part where I’m supposed to invite them to go do something.
I don’t know why it happens, I feel like I want to ask, but then when the time comes I always feel weird asking so I bail on it in my head, and nothing ever comes of the potential friendship.

When it comes to women, I seem to have no trouble with the initial conversations and then the invitation to “go out”. I’ve asked plenty of women out over the years and have a GF who I’ve been with for 2 years.

Am I just being weird about it? What can I do to change?

I’m tired of having no guy friends and I want to change but I just don’t really know where to start.

1 comment
  1. When that happens to me it is like overthinking they’ll say no or denial of the request but truth be told some guys just don’t want to hang out (or put in an effort) to go chill with a new friend or a dude they don’t know very well.

    But yes, I get the feeling too. If they say no just brush it aside, they probably just don’t want to chill or don’t know enough about you yet. Especially if you’re the one taking the initiative.

    We’re guys no need to be gentle like with women. If you want to chill outside of work, let it be known.

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