I(24/M) told my girlfriend(26/F) of a year and a half, a stupid lie and I’m afraid she’d break up with me.I really regret having done this, I just think I took dating apps pretty lightly because I’d never been on a dating app before. Anyways it’s a stupid lie.

I told her the first day we met during that little small talk time, that I had lived somewhere for a short amount of time during my childhood with my family, probably thinking it’d make a different impression or something. I have no absolute fucking clue what I had in my mind. And I have been constantly pretending it’s true.

We’ve moved in together, dated for a while and everything of course it’s been brought up multiple times. I want to come clean and I’m scared of her thinking I’m a pathological liar since the lie is utterly insignificant, and it means I’ve been constantly lying about it whenever it got brought up. God, maybe I AM a pathological liar. I know keeping this a secret is not a good move and I am planning to break it to her soon. Would she break up with me? Should I not tell her the truth?

TLDR; I told a stupid lie and have been constantly lying about it whenever it got brought up to my girlfriend and I am afraid she’d break up with me. Should I even not tell her the truth?

  1. Ugh. It’s eating you up so much: “you know how I told you that as a kid my family and I lived briefly in Japan’s Imperial Palace? Yeah … I made that up to impress you – I’ve never lived outside of Tacoma.”

    Maybe she breaks up with you. Actions have consequences!

  2. “I need to tell you something. Remember when I told you that I’d lived in XYZ? Well, I said that to make myself seem more interesting but it’s not true. It was a really stupid thing to do and I feel like shit about it. I’ve not lied about anything else and I promise that I will never lie to you again if you can get over it.”

    She either forgives you or she doesn’t. Personally, if someone said this to me and it was just a small think, I wouldn’t be bothered if they came clean. People can do silly things when they’re nervous to make themselves seem more interesting, it doesn’t necessarily make them bad people or pathological liars. If you know that this is the only thing you’ve ever lied about and you’re not going to do it again, give yourself a break. If this is a pattern of behaviour, you might want to seek some professional help to work out why you behave like this.

  3. You have to come clean eventually. This will plague your mind for the rest of your life and you will hate yourself more and more as you grow closer to her.

    If you come clean, you’ll be free of that feeling. Whatever happens, you will learn from it to do better.

  4. Honestly this made me giggle, if you are honest and explain that you did it to impress her and it just went too far she may be mad and sketched out at first, but I doubt she’d break up with you. I’d personally be a little sus but then make it a constant joke. Lol

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