Hey everyone,
I’ve been seeing this guy for a while and everything has been going great. Suddenly, like yesterday I started overthinking everything and just got the ick. I saw him at uni today and could barely look at him because I felt so weirded out. He hasn’t done anything bad either and I don’t understand what is wrong with me. I started picking apart his appearance and how awkwardly he acts in social situations. Now I feel very unsure about this, I have never been in a relationship before so I don’t know if this is normal or not.

Also before I met him I was pretty sure I was a lesbian, but after I thought maybe bisexual so now I don’t know what to think. Maybe the real issue is that he is a man.

I’ve never really looked for a relationship to begin with so maybe I’m not ready for it.

  1. No this isn’t normal. We’re self sabotaging for… some reason. I’m not sure why. Might wanna look into that.

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